Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Tues.5.12.15 Which Invitation Will You Accept?

Two Gala Events...Which Invitation Will You Accept?

It's the event of the year, the talk of the town. Lot's of invitations have been sent out and you got one! But Ugh! It's on the same night as another gala event you had been invited to. Both hosts really want you to come. And both promise plenty of great food and drink. And both invites are hosted by a key person there who could really open up life changing doors for your future. Which should you choose? Read Proverbs 9 now and choose wisely.

The woman of wisdom offers life and the woman of folly leads to death. These two parties hosted by these two women remind us also to choose our company wisely. Paul said, "Do no be deceived, bad company corrupts good morals." 1 Cor.15:33. Proverbs hammers this truth home as well- "He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm" 13:20.

I know a turning point in my life in high school hinged on the friends I chose, the parties or get togethers I went to. My freshman year, I went to a Bible study. It was eye opening and convicting! I realized I was a sinner. But I chose instead to dump that group of squares for new buddies I made at my after school job. They were in to getting high and that attracted me a lot more. For the next three years I was a pot-head, until my band of buddies broke up. Then I was very lonely and depressed. It was during my first year in college that God broke me and brought me truly to Himself. Then I ended up with new and far better friends. What about your friends?

1.-Proverbs is a book of mentoring. Likewise, we are creating our own book of mentoring in a way. So share with a youth how the friends you chose helped or hurt you. What advice would you pass on?

2.-Pick a verse or phrase from Prov.9 that impresses you and put it on your MP3 card. Please enrich us with it as well and then look for others to enrich.

The woman of wisdom gave this wise exhortation- "Leave your simple ways and live." 9:6. Such simple ways are sinful ways. The wages of sin is death. Sin always brings death. Death literally means "separation." It separates us from a right relationship with God, others and even ourselves. We become alienated, cut off, disconnected from true life. Yesterday, I asked who wanted to become a part of a special forces group to fight together against pornography that the woman of folly uses to bring men down to death. I commend those of you who responded positively. So here's the simple but powerful strategy to use- 

Whatever evil behavior you need to rid yourself of, including pornography, or whatever good behavior you want to nurture, use the Points For Progress strategy we introduced last Friday. I'm living proof it works! I've been a long time Diet Mt. Dew drinker. But over  the last few months, I felt like I had become a Dew-aholic. Lately, lack of sleep only increased my "need" for it and reasons for satisfying my craving for it. Drinking it had even become a bonding ritual for my son and me, stopping at Speedway on the way to taking him to school. Thursday night I was up three hours past my bedtime and the alarm went off early in the morning. If ever there was a good day for my fix it was Friday. But that was the day we introduced Points For Progress. I soon had three opportunities for my caffeine jolt, including one from hospitable customers I met with as I yawned in front of them. But I'm happy to say that I went all day without it and all weekend. I even told my wife and son about my new points strategy. He wasn't thrilled and soon got a 12 pack of his own. One went with him in the car ride to school this morning. But I'm still Dew free. It's been a decision I've needed to make, but have been putting off. But how can I now expect others who are struggling with far greater strongholds, to take big, bold steps if I am not willing to take this small step?

Speaking of strongholds, I appreciate Phil's gut honesty Friday on the blog admitting that he struggles with online pornography. He also asked for accountability. This is what I then commented back to him on the blog, which may have already read there. Thanks for sharing more with me here Phil and thanks for asking us to hold you accountable. We will. So starting today, start using the Points For Progress strategy. The beauty of it is that it doesn't depend on your emotions. You admitted that you don't have the desire to change. Sin corrupts our desires as well. Obviously God wants you to change and that is reason enough. The One who died for such wickedness tells you to deal drastically with it- "If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out" Mt.5:29. And that He said about dealing with lusting. You are right, your wife would also be devastated if she found out about this. And your beautiful children need a dad free from this vile stuff as well. That is why we will deal strongly with this, especially since you asked for accountability. So put down your Points For Progress daily and of course watch the above video. (The video on Friday was about overcoming pornography.) We will be praying for you and asking you daily how you're doing. Also send me a daily email of your victories and valleys. We will together come up with rewards or consequences if you don't do so. I will text you now about such, so you don't miss what I've written. You have come too far for the enemy to trap you here. God and M3 have great visions for your future, so this has to be conquered. You will. We are a team and expect you to conquer as the manly man He is all the more making you to be. Be wise and choose to hate by an act of your will what sin loves. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. So start declaring, "I choose to hate this" and name reasons why. Write these on an MP3 card or such as well as verses you find that empower you. Review it daily. Attack! Fight! Win!

So please keep Phil in your prayers and keep an eye out for his progress on the scoreboard to encourage him. He is such a great encourager. It's our turn to encourage him all the more. But Phil is not the only one who confessed to struggling with porn. So we are forming a new special forces group that will help each other in this battle. Each of you will have buddies who will pray for you and help you. "Therefore, confess you sins to each other and pray for each other that you may be healed." James 5:16. Here are the men, in alphabetical order, who volunteered to be in this Special Forces group- Eddie, Gary, James, Phil, Vince. Also each of you men please start keeping track of your scores via Points For Progress. Each day give yourself a +point every time you felt tempted but refused. Give yourself a -point if you fall. Remember, the points go in the columns past the GREAT columns totals on our scoreboard. 

If ...is in your Fire Team, please give him a word of encouragement, since he was MIA yesterday.

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