Friday, May 1, 2015

Fri.5.1.15...What Do You Want?

What Do You Want?

What do you want? Jesus asked this of people on various occasions. It's a great question, isn't it? What do you really want? I think if Jesus asked most Christian men today what they wanted, they would ask for very little. His sheep might sheepishly shrug their shoulders. Others might say, "A million dollars!" But apart from money or things it can buy, many men are complacent. They have nothing they are crying out for. This is just what the enemy wants- for us to want little in life. For if we should want strongly for more of what God offers, Satan's kingdom of darkness would suffer greatly. So what should we want and long for? There is something far more valuable than earthly riches to cry out for, something that will reward us far greater. Read through Prov.2 and you'll discover it.

2:1-4 reveals the pursuit of this treasure. Notice the use of the word "if" 3 x. We must seek if we are to find.
2:5-22 reveals the benefits of this treasure. Notice the use of the word "then" in v.5 and 9. So "if" you seek, "then" you will find. (I've underlined these words in my Bible. I'd suggest doing the same.)
Notice also two specific evil types of people that following the way of God's wisdom will save you from in 2:12-15 and then in 2:16-19. (I've underlined in red their names in 2:12 and 2:16. Underlining such helps you see clearly the emphasis of the passage.)

Finally notice in the summary verses of 2:20-22 the emphasis on living in the land- the promised land. For the Israelites of that time, the promised land was the land of Israel. For us, the promised land we long for will be the new earth- heaven on earth. Jesus said, "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth." One day the kingdom of this world will become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ and He shall rule forever and ever. Rev.11:15. Heaven will be on earth. "Thy kingdom come!" Come back O Lord and make this wrong world right!. Then our ultimate longing will be fulfilled- we will see You face to face. So what do you want? I want You- a face to face relationship with You Jesus.

The OT highlights wisdom as a treasure worth diligently seeking. And it still is. Yet with the progress of revelation (God revealing more truth over time), when we come to the NT, the word becomes flesh and Christ is presented as the treasure beyond measure. In Christ are "hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge." Col.2:3. He is the pearl of great price. He is the One we are to want and seek first and most. He is our future, our vision. So if Jesus was to ask you, "What do you want?" I hope you and I would answer, "You! I want You!" "Give me Jesus!" I really like the following song, Give Me Jesus, by Fernando Ortega. (This rendition is a tribute to Billy Graham's wife who died about 8 years ago.)

Note: We must not separate Christ, the living Word of God from the written word of God. To seek Christ involves seeking to know and follow His words as well. To follow Jesus is to follow His words which reveal Him and His mission for us. Jesus said, "If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his Father's glory with the  holy angels." Mk.8:38.  

1.-Share one thing that impressed you from what you read here today.

2.-Write down on your MP3 card a verse or phrase that impressed you.
Remember, Proverbs is not a book of promises. It's not promising that you will be shielded from all harm (2:7-8). We live in a fallen world where wicked people even behead Christians. But following God's way of wisdom will protect us from the harm sinful ways would bring. It will protect me from following wicked men and wayward women (2:12-19) and the destructive path they are on.

We want more than to be protected from harm, more than peace at home, more than pleasurable times, more than prosperity. We want a life pleasing to God. We want to pursue His priorities- "Go therefore and make disciples" Mt.28:19- to multiply manly men, despite what harm may come.
We want to depend on His presence- "Surely I am with you always to the very end of the age." Mt.28:20
And we want to ultimately experience His pleasure- "Well done good and faithful servant!" Mt.25:23

3.-Who is one man or men whom you enriched this past week that you hope to see join M3? (Feel free to invite him to our meeting this Sunday.)

Please make sure to go to the scoreboard today. I'll be checking it over the weekend to present upcoming honors.

Speaking of honors, see you this Sunday at 11:30 in the break room for our M3 meeting and the bestowing of honors. Thanks for helping with a free will offering to help cover our costs. 

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