Monday, May 4, 2015

Mon.5.4.15...A Misleading Father Son Chat?...Prov.3

A Misleading Father Son Chat?

Some advertisers and book sellers cross the line when they promise you more than their product can deliver. "Buy this new book and it will revolutionize your marriage!" Wow, the Bible doesn't even promise that! Yet today's chapter in Proverbs might seem like it's overselling the benefits of wisdom. As you read through Proverbs 3, note some of the amazing "promises" Solomon attaches to living a life of wisdom. However, we've said before that Proverbs is not a book of promises, but pithy sayings. Also remember that such wisdom literature does all that it can to extol the exceeding value of a life of wisdom. So please don't claim these amazing "promises" as promises. Why? They aren't. Want evidence? There are very godly Christians who are persecuted, who are broken in health and who are struggling in poverty. Want greater evidence? The NT promises persecution not prosperity. But prosperity preachers love to claim "promises" in Proverbs are theirs and yours, if you just have enough faith. Yet even Paul's great faith didn't bring him into such prosperity. Instead he said, "To this very hour we go hungry and thirsty, we are in rags, we are brutally treated, we are homeless." 1 Cor.4:11. Prosperity preachers skip such verses.

So how should we approach Proverbs in our day? Read through it looking for the life principles to live out, without claiming any supposed "promise" attached to it. For example, Prov.3:9-10 says, "Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing and your vats with brim over with new wine." 

This verse is often used to appeal to blessings tithing will bring. I've been tithing and then some for over 30 years, but my barns or income has not overflowed. My wife even went back to work to help with needed income. (Oh the joys of kids going off to college:) Then why should we give if our income is not going to overflow for doing so? I give to honor the Lord with my "wealth" without claiming a "promise" that my barns or income will overflow. The poor widow honored the Lord in her dire poverty, giving her last two copper coins. Jesus was so impressed by that. So let's give to please the One who gave His all for us. He is worthy. God does bless, but often our reward is stored up in heaven for us. That's what the NT does teach. Are you okay with that? I am. 

So as you read through Proverbs, be thinking of NT cross references. What does the NT say about such? Remember this BIG Bible Interpretation Guideline- the best interpreter of Scripture is Scripture. Also the progress of revelation reminds us that the old covenant is superseded by the new covenant. Things have thankfully changed from the OT days. So what does the NT say about an OT verse you're pondering? That's always a good question.

Need help in finding cross references? Then if you've joined us within the last couple months, then please watch the following video on (Please bookmark as a favorite. You'll want to use it again and again.)

1.-So what's one verse or phrase that grabbed your attention in your reading of Proverbs 3? Include a NT cross reference if you are able to find one.

2.-Write that verse or phrase from Proverbs or from  the cross reference you found on your MP3 card.  

I'm happy to honor to the following men who were unstoppable last week- and almost all of you were- Alex, Andre, Armando, Chuy, Daniel, Dave H, Eddie, George D, George R, Guillermo, Ismael, Israel, Jack, James, John, Mike, Oscar, Phil, Ricardo, Robert, Roger, Sam, and Vince. So proud of you for being unstoppable!

I also want to commend the top scorers from last week, scoring over 50 points- Eddie, Ismael, Jack, Phil, Robert and Sam! Thanks for all the sharing and encouraging!  

And thanks for helping to make it a great M3 meeting yesterday. How wonderful to be able to honor the following Pros who were unstoppable in God's word for all of April- Alex, Armando, James, Phil, Ricardo and George D. Way to go and grow! 

As you go to put your points on the board, you'll want to click on the May tab. Also check out the new M3 Family Tree tab. Who are you seeking to enrich and enlist into M3? Have you pointed them to the M3 stories?  And when they've ready to sign up, have them read through over our and fill out the application.

For those of you who are new to computer shortcuts, here's a helpful one. Say you want to find a brother on the blog, but wish there was a quick way to find him. Click at the same time the key labeled Ctrl and the key F. It will open up a search screen in the upper right corner. Type in the guy's name and click one of the arrows. It will take you right to him. (No charge!:)

I'd like to introduce to you a brand new member to the team. It's Nic Palhegyi. I've known Nic since he was leading Bible studies in his high school over 15 years ago. Then he attended and graduated from Moody Bible Institute. He and his family now attend New Life Oak Lawn. Welcome Nic! 

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