Friday, May 15, 2015


People Skills

Today's reading: Please read Prov.11:1-15 and note a verse that really grabs your attention.

Here's the verse that got me thinking. When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom. Prov.11:2

Pride. It's been called the religion of those who go to hell. Pride. It's why Lucifer was expelled from God's presence. Pride. It's the ruin of relationships. Pride. It's the opposite of the character of Christ. "Take my yoke upon you for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls." Mt.11:29. Pride. It's totally contrary to the heart of our Savior and the heart or character he wants to form within us. Pride. It's what filled Nebuchadnezzar's heart before God put him out to pasture for 7 years. What disgrace! "When pride comes, then comes disgrace." And it is pride that brings disgrace and misery to so many marriages. Satan is out to destroy marriages and one of his favorite tools he uses to do so is pride. As a matter of fact (or fiction), here is a recently discovered part of a marriage manual written by one of his demons. Note how pride oozes throughout his counsel-

Let me counsel you married men- don't put up with any hint of lack of devotion from your wife. You deserve the best. And how dare she ever say anything negative about you. So assassinate her character if she starts to shoot at you. Be a faultfinder, not a good finder to get her to improve. Don't focus on fixing the problem; fix the blame on your spouse. Get historical and prophetic. What I mean by this is- say things like, "You've always been this way and you're never going to change!" By the way, make sure when you argue to always use, "You always" and "You never" (Demon's note: It's sure to escalate their arguments and sidetrack them from ever solving the real problem.) You deserve better than this. Just think (often) how much better you would be with someone else. (Demon's note: Seek to get them to spend their mental energy dreaming of escaping or avoiding their spouse, rather than improving their marriage.) Use any insecurities, fears, physical imperfections or struggles your spouse has confided in you as future weapons to get even. Blast from the past. Keep plenty of ammo in mind to fire at her the next time your spouse dares to disrespect you.

Should your spouse show any form of resistance, retaliate with sarcasm or other forms of contempt- roll your eyes, mock her words or gestures, make little sounds of disgust, give demeaning facial gestures. Drop the "divorce" word bomb whenever resistance mounts. Or say other similar things such as, "I never should have married you!" or "I don't know why I stay with you!" She has failed to measure up, so intimidate, don't validate your spouse. Then show your subtle contempt for her by devoting your time and attention to other things. (Demon's note: This will slowly but surely starve their marriage and multiply their misery.) Whatever you do, don't make sacrifices for your spouse, because they don't deserve it. (Demon's note: Don't let them discover that the less dedication, the less satisfaction and happiness they will have in marriage. Keep them focused on how much more they have done than their spouse. Love is others oriented, not self centered, but you must never let them focus on love and the love they are to reflect of our enemy, their Savior.)

Next, make sure to defend yourself. It's such a subtle, but great way of putting the blame back on your spouse. Never really pause and listen to her feelings and frustrations. Never seek to reconcile. Always seek to prove you're right. Rehearse and nurse defensive thoughts, such as "I don't deserve this." (Demon's note: Defensiveness will help them sink their own marriage, but they will feel justified that is was their wife's fault. They will never see that their own defensiveness torpedoed their marriage. Pride is such a great weapon!)

1.-If you're married, please share as if you were seeking to help an engaged man regarding conflict in marriage. It's going to come. But what have you found that has helped or hurt when you and your wife have had conflict? (If you're single, what have you found that has helped or hurt when you had conflict with a friend or family member?)

2.-Copy down on your MP3 card, When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom. Prov.11:2

I'm happy to introduce our newest M3 member, Marcos Rico! Marcos has been attending New Life for about 4 years now and actively involved. We welcome you Marcos and look forward to your great future of growth and multiply manly men. I also want to commend Gary who first began talking to Marcos a few months ago. And George also encouraged Marcos to join. Way to go men!

Several of you have shared some powerful stories from your life and given great advice to others. Would you like to help write a blog based on a portion in Proverbs? If so, just contact me for more info. Thanks!

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