Thursday, September 17, 2015

Th.9.17.15...Celebrating a Hero...John 12:12-20

Don't you just love the ending of a movie where the guy, despite all kinds of opposition, triumphs and is celebrated as the hero. I think of the ending of the movie, Rudy. (Disclaimer: Movie clips I use do not mean I give an endorsement for the entire film, such as the profanity in Rudy.) As you may know, the movie is based on a true story. Rudy Ruetteger grew up in Joliet and went to Notre Dame University. He longed to play football, but was considered too short to ever be put into the game. This ending scene is all true. It happened on Nov.8th,1975 while playing at home against Georgia Tech.

How beautiful to see the crowd so happy and to see the team carrying Rudy on their shoulders as their hero. This reminds me of our story today. Though the circumstances were certainly different, the feeling of jubilation was probably much the same in both crowds. They were celebrating their hero! With this feeling in mind, read now John 12:12-19.

1.- As you read this story, use your online commentary to dig out the gold that is within the story. Then share some of it to enrich us as well. 

As always, write you verse down on your MP3 and look for opportunities to share such with others.

2.- Speaking of movies, share a recent opportunity you took to hand out a Greatest Minimovies card or it's link, or to Tell others of Transformation in some other way.

And speaking of things like football games, doesn't it bug you when your team could have played so much better?! As you go from here to the scoreboard, please contact your fireteam members. Commend him if he's been getting his points on the board, or ask him for the sake of the team to score. Thanks! Sometimes we all need a holy kick in the pants. I believe in you. You can play better than this!

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