Friday, September 4, 2015

Fri.9.4.15...Who's Your Father?...John 8:31-59

Remember this classic scene in Star Wars?

What a downer for Luke to discover from Darth Vader's own lips, "I am your father." That scene sets the stage today for another fight regarding the revelation of paternity issues. It's in our passage before us. 

1.- So read John 8:31-59. Then go back and pick out one verse that you want to learn more about. Click the link to David Guzik's online commentary or other sites or commentaries you may use to help you learn more about such. Then share the verse and the gold you discovered with us.  

Here's an insight I want to share. John 8:30-33 seems to be almost contradictory. First, we are told that many put their faith in Jesus. But then it seems that those very Jews are the ones who argue with Jesus throughout the rest of the chapter. They are the ones Jesus says are the slaves of sin and have the devil as their father. (That's a whole lot worse than even having Darth Vader as your father :) Perhaps what we have here is simply this. Many of the Jews in the crowd put their faith in him (v.30). Jesus gives them some initial instruction to hold to his teaching as the path of freedom (v.31). But also in the crowd of Jews were the ones who had been hostile to him earlier in the chapter (v.13,19,25). They were unrepentant and spoke up in opposition to what Jesus had just said to his new children in the faith. Their hostility proved they were not children of God or even of Abraham, but children of the devil. You'll also note that while Jesus was at the same feast earlier in chapter 7, that within the crowd there were those who put their faith in him and those who also wanted to seize him (7:30-31). I know my view on 8:31 is different than what David Guzik states, but it makes more sense to me. Happy digging!

Thanks for remembering to put all your points on the board. I will be working away this weekend to tally everything up for Monday and want to be able to credit you for all the GREAT things you have been doing to serve the Lord and others. 

2.- Go to our Contacts tab at the bottom of our Scoreboard. Remember last week I asked you to fill in the names and emails of two prayer warriors on the Contacts tab? If you're married, please feel free to have your wife be one of them. Ideally, have your second person be a Christian guy whom you hope will join M3. Write "Did it" if you have now got your two recorded. If not, please contact me and let me know why. Thanks.

Tomorrow is Tim Dearborn's birthday! Happy birthday Tim! 

It's coming. Sunday, September 14th. It's not the Return of the Jedi, but it's the Return to Jack's Place for our next M3 meeting. It will be at 2:00 PM which will enable men from other Chicagoland congregations to join us as well.
See you there at 10749 Cherrywood Dr. Palos Park. If you can't make, let me know. (Those who live out of the area, don't need to do so. We understand.)
And congratulations Grandpa Jack on the birth of your first grandchild, a little girl, Callen!

PS- Though I commented on only a few of your responses on yesterday's blog, I read every one of your prayers out loud for myself and for you. They were so on target and touched my heart. I am with great brothers whom I love and appreciate. Bless you! 

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