Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Wed.9.30.15...Battle Ready?...John 15:18-16:4

Yesterday we read Jesus saying, "Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command" John 15:13-14. (Love was used 8 times.) But we will see in today's passage that Jesus is forewarning his friends that they will be hated and persecuted. (Hate is mentioned 7 times). Will you let your friends be persecuted?! Ugh! Someone has humorously quipped, "Lord, you would have more friends, if you treated them better." But that is our problem. We think that the Lord should treat us better. Yet Jesus makes his closest friends with those who enter into battle with him. The same is true of soldiers in battle who make such incredible bonds of friendship with those they fight alongside. They would die for each other. 

Christians sing the song, "I am a friend of God." But Jesus said, "You are my friends if you do what I command." And he commands us to go into battle to bear fruit- "I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit" 15:16. "You also must testify" 15:27. Tragically, a lot Christians don't go with the gospel, even though they know they should. Yet we've got it easy in America. We are not facing the hatred and persecution our brothers are facing elsewhere. If persecution came to our shores, how would we fare? I think a lot of people would wonder why a loving God would let them suffer. Yet Jesus has already told us, "If they persecuted me, they will persecute you" 15:20. Jesus, why are you telling us such bad news? "All this I have told you so that you will not go astray" 16:1. We need to be battle ready. (Here is a picture of you in the spirit with your shirt off :) So don't you dare turn away! The enemy has reason to fear when we war as a team.

Christians are glad Jesus suffered and died for them, but I fear many will hide their faith if they should face suffering. They may now boast as Peter did, "Lord, I am ready to go with you to prison and to death" Luke 22:33. Yet they might deny him before a servant girl. O Lord, help us to be manly! Help us to be like the apostles, who after being beaten for witnessing to the Sanhedrin, went away rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer for Christ (see Acts 5:41).

I really like the words from an old hymn, "Onward Christian soldiers, marching as to war, with the cross of Jesus, going on before." Men, let us keep marching into war. I love the epitaph Osiris chose for his tombstone- "Died at W.A.R."  We are at W.A.R. to-
Walk in a manner worthy of our Warrior King- Keep seeking to live a pure and pleasing life by God's power.
Activate the sidelined saints- keep seeking to recruit the fans in the stands.
Release the locked up lost- Keep sowing gospel seeds into the lives of the lost.

While so few regularly share their faith, I'm proud of you for the way several of you are doing so. Christians who don't share now, may be the ones to quickly cower in the future. But you are warriors. Fight the good fight of the faith.

1.- Share a time recently when you shared your faith or a Greatest Minimovies card or link to them.

2.- Read John 15:18 through chapter 16:4. Inspired by it, write a short warriors prayer for you and your fire team wingmen. Please mention them by name in this Attack prayer you're composing. 

The smarter person has written goals they review and pursue. How ya doin' on yours? Anyone can drift but you are pursuing great things. It's not always easy, but fighting to advance for God's glory, your good, and the good of others is certainly worth it. 

It's coming Monday, October 12th!

Monday, September 28, 2015

Mon.9.28.15...He Will Show You Things To Come...John 14:15-31

What's this billboard got to do with today's topic? You'll soon find out.
(May 21st- Judgment Day? How about Sept.28th- Birthdays! Best of blessings to Luis Ortiz, Rich Petre and Dave Ramirez! Happy birthday brothers!) 

Let me make an important statement that will eventually lead us back to the billboard. All the Bible is written for you, but not all the Bible is written to you. Aren't you glad? For example, the book of Leviticus was written to the Israelites under the OT. We are not under their dietary restrictions, sacrificial rites and clean and unclean ceremonies, etc. Then why bother reading the OT? Paul answers that- "All Scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work" 2 Tim.3:16. Paul also said, "For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope" Rom.15:4. Some of the stories of the OT "were written down as warnings for us" 1 Cor.10:11. So though the OT may not be written to us, it is written for us. Actually, the same could be said for the NT. For example, the letters that Paul wrote were to specific people or congregations, but they have benefit for us. Sadly, there are some people who are ignorant of such basic Bible truths, and they twist the Scriptures to their own harm (2 Pet.3:16). Unfortunately, many people make such a basic mistake within our passage today, John 14:15-31.

Who is this passage being spoken to? It's being spoken by Jesus to his 11 disciples. Just as Jesus was sent by his Father and performed miracles to verify his message, he would soon send out his apostles (apostle: one sent with a message), who would also be given power to perform amazing miracles, confirming the heavenly origin of their new covenant message. They would also be enabled by the Holy Spirit, whom Christ would send, to write the most important book in the world, the NT. The Spirit would remind them of everything Jesus said (John 14:26). So we don't have to worry that the disciples may have gotten brain fog when they they wrote their gospel accounts a few decades after Jesus' return to heaven. More than just reminding the disciples of what Jesus said, the Spirit would also give them more truth needful for the coming church age. Jesus put it this way, “I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come" John 16:12-13. 

Let me repeat that last part- "He will show you things to come." Who is that written to? To his apostles, not to us. For example, his disciple John was shown things to come on the isle of Patmos where he wrote down the book of Revelation. The Spirit showed him things to come. I have yet to meet a Christian who consistently and accurately predicted things to come. (Lucky guesses don't count:) A few years ago Harold Camping predicted Judgment Day would come May 21, 2011 and plastered that warning on 5,000 billboards across the country. When that day passed, he revised the date for five months later. He was not only embarrassed again, but led many astray. He and every one else who has predicted such end times dates have been proven wrong, including the JWs. The Spirit did not show them things to come. But he did show the apostles things to come. Thus, this gives us all the greater confidence in the book of Revelation. It is the fulfillment of Jesus' promise to John and the other apostles that the Spirit would show them (not us) things to come.

You might be surprised how many people, especially in charismatic or Pentecostal churches, claim the verses in John we have just quoted were written to them, not for them. You may meet people who sincerely believe that the Holy Spirit leads them into all truth. Thus, their interpretations are correct and yours are wrong. But even if that promise was written to all believers, not just to the apostles who wrote the NT and founded the church (Eph.2:19-20), then how come the Spirit would only lead them into all truth and not you as well? Hmmm. 

Those promises of Jesus regarding the Spirit bringing everything to mind that Jesus said, and of guiding them into all truth and showing them things to come, were given to the apostles, not to us. But those promises do have an application for us. They are for our assurance that what the apostles wrote was God breathed. With that confidence in what John wrote down as being from God for us, get ready to read John 14:15-31. It's mainly spoken to the 11, but you can glean things that are for us. For example, notice the repeated emphasis on loving and obeying Christ (14:15,21,23,28). This is vital. Jesus is training his team and ours on what is essential to succeed. (In chapter 13, Jesus stressed the crucial importance for his team to love one another. Here in chapter 14, he is stressing the vital importance of loving him by obeying his commands. Tomorrow, you may be surprised to discover what Jesus reveals as the crown of his commands.

As you read, you'll note that Jesus made another promise to his disciples, not to us, that they would soon see him again. But you will also note that Jesus speaks to more than just his disciples. At times he uses words such as "If anyone" or  "Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me..." (John 14:21). Jesus foresaw his apostles writing down his commands for us, and we his people, choosing to lovingly obey them. You'll see a wonderful promise attached at the end of that verse (14:21). 

We have seen that there are things which Jesus spoke to his disciples that we would be wrong to claim as being spoken to us. But there are some things that seem like they at least apply for us as well. For example, Jesus said to his disciples, "I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever" 14:16. Isn't that a word that you and I can claim also? How can we know? Because we see that promise of the Spirit already being given to all believers in Paul's letters to all Christians. The apostolic epistles (letters) clarify the way God now faithfully works. For example, Paul's epistles reveal that all Christians receive God's Holy Spirit at their salvation (Eph.1:13-14; Rom.8:9; 1 Cor.12:13). If you don't already have the promised Holy Spirit, you wouldn't be a Christian. You can't have one without the other. Having the Holy Spirit is a fact to rejoice in, not an experience or feeling to chase.

1.- Now read John 14:15-31. What is one verse from John 14:15-31 that grabs your attention? Just write it out for us and on your MP3.

Last week we looked at SMART vs. Dumb goals. Setting a numerical goal is part of setting SMART goals. Dumb goals aren't really goals at all. They're just wishful thinking or said to pacify someone. "I'll try to get in shape doc." SMART goals are- 
Significant- Is this worthy of pursuing? In M3 we are a pursuing GREAT things in God's eyes.
Measurable- example: How many M3 men will you seek to encourage by next week?
Accountable- Who are you sharing your goal with to motivate you to succeed? 
Reviewed- Will you look at your goals for the week, daily? If not, it will probably get sidelined.
Time bound- When will you achieve this by? Date it. For our purposes, it's next week.

2.a- Last Monday, you set a SMART goal. Since evaluation is the breakfast of champions, let's evaluate. Write down here the SMART goal you wrote down last week and have been reviewing. 

2.b.- Now look at the scoreboard below and write down how you did. What helped you to hit your SMART goal? If you missed it, what hindered you from achieving it. 

There is no shame in not achieving, only in not attempting. Let's learn from life and live it better. That's your champion's mindset. So let me be the first to share this:  I read with my wife every night but Saturday. I came up from my office in the basement and found that she was already in bed asleep. ): I need to set a smarter goal.

Last week I also promised to show you how to set SMARTER goals.
The shortcoming of SMART goals is that there is no Elastic in them or Reward that honors you for your achievement. In M3 we do Reward or honor you each week and month for your achievements. But you can always add your own personal Reward when you hit an important goal in your life. You can also build in a powerful Retribution (consequence) should you blow it off. What would you hate having to do? Example: "If I don't hit my goal, "I will sing to a stranger." Or "I will give you a painful amount of money." 

So let's focus now on the Elastic part of SMARTER goals. Just as elastic can stretch from a Small to a Medium to a Large size, so SMARTER goals have stretch in them. Here's why this is important. No one likes to fail or to miss the goals one sets. Imagine a brother sets this noble goal- "I will encourage 3 brothers on the blog each day and call my two wingmen three times each week, thus scoring a weekly total of 21 in the Encouragement column." Wow, that's excellent! But what if he only scored 14? Ugh! He failed. No he didn't. That may have been a few points more than he had ever scored before. So set Elastic goals- Small, Medium and Large. Example:

Small-  "I will encourage 1 brother on the blog each day (M-F) and call my two wingmen one time this week, thus scoring a weekly total of 7 in the Encouragement column."
Medium "I will encourage 2 brothers on the blog each day and call my two wingmen twice this week, thus scoring a weekly total of 14 in the Encouragement column."
Large "I will encourage 3 brothers on the blog each day and call my two wingmen three times each week, thus scoring a weekly total of 21 in the Encouragement column."

Small goals are easy to hit. You can do it. But don't live there. That's not manly.

Medium goals are a bit of a stretch. Go for it! That's how we grow.
Large goals will make you work hard and pray hard. If you hit your Medium goal before the end of the week, then try to achieve your Large goal. You may not hit the stars, but you'll land on the moon. 

3.- So as you evaluate how you did last week, set a SMARTER goal for this week that includes a Small, Medium and Large size to it. You don't have to write out three separate goals, just add some elastic into one. Example: "I will encourage 1-3 other brothers each day on the blog this week (thus scoring 5-15 points)."

After you write out your measurable goal here, write it on a sticky note, etc and post it where you can regularly review it.  

Important Note: Due to the very subjective nature of how to count an extra mile Act of Kindness, we will no longer be giving points for such. Of course continue to do such :) The A column will only be used for Attacking in prayer. And you can score one point each day that you include your wingmen by name in prayer. Attack! Attack! Attack!

G R E A T Tot.
dave garratt U R? 10 16 50 9 7 92
Squad 1 35.71
Eddie Morales U R5 19 6 48 6 4 83
Fire Team 1 47.5
William Dyckman U R1 7 1 20 1 1 30
Phil Raymond U 21 5 27 10 6 69
Ismael Andrade R2 5 7 21 5 0 38
James Schmidt U 5 5 15 28 0 53
Fire Team 2 20
Gary Remson R1 10 1 19 7 1 38
Luis Ortiz U 5 3 2 2 0 12
Alex Dyckman U 10 0 0 0 0 10
Squad 2 24.5
Sam Vargas U R3 20 2 22 15 5 64
Fire Team 1 38.5
Oscar Nunez U 9 5 15 15 5 49
Lou Ojeda U 5 2 11 6 4 28
Fire Team 2 17.5
Israel Fuentes U R1 6 1 0 13 0 20
Dave Ramirez 0 0 0 0 0 0
Dave DeBoer U R1 10 1 4 9 1 25
Tim Dearborn U 7 2 7 8 1 25
Squad 3 37
Robert Roman U R1 5 0 47 35 2 89
Fire Team 1 36.5
Vince Diaz U R1 5 4 27 5 1 42
Nic Palhegyi U R1 6 1 13 18 1 39
Mike Dunn U 2 10 0 13 15 0 38
Rich Petre U 6 0 10 7 4 27
Fire Team 2 38
Osiris Alday U R1 7 11 16 14 7 55
Mark Lauber New
Ed Lake 3 2 5 6 5 21
Squad 4 29.83
George Rabiela U R1 22 8 25 31 26 112
Fire Team 1 24.5
Dave Heidekruger U R2 10 1 5 11 0 27
Chuy Cervantes 5 4 0 13 0 22
Fire Team 2 43.33
Rich Guardiola U R1 9 3 14 9 2 37
Mark Estrada 7 7 4 11 3 32
Horacio De La Torre U 12 7 12 24 6 61
Squad 5 41.14
Jack Rogers U R5 43 3 49 12 6 113
Fire Team 1 56.33
Roger Vinlasaca U R1 48 0 20 4 0 72
Armando Hernandez U 24 0 17 4 0 45
Jose Billegas U 23 5 16 8 0 52
Fire Team 2 29.75
George Doherty U R1 10 2 15 7 5 39
Andre Vargas U 9 0 3 15 0 27
Lemmy Lukudu U R1 14 3 6 9 0 32
Kevin Long 4 0 5 12 0 21
Squad 6
Mike Berry U R1 7 2 7 6 3 25

Kudos once again to Squad 5 and their fire team 1 for leading the pack.  There is some great scoring (aka ministry) going on in whole lot of other teams as well. Excelente! 

Friday, September 25, 2015

Fri.9.25.15...The Bridge to Life...John 14:1-14

Ready to discover some gold? John 14 begins with Jesus saying, "Do not let your hearts be troubled." Why would he say that? Well, you're a good Bible student. You know that chapter and verse divisions weren't added until centuries later. So I know what you would do. You would read the verses before, to get the context, and see that Jesus said, "Where I am going you cannot follow..." 13:36. That must have troubled their hearts, especially since Jesus already told them he would be sending them out. Now he is telling them that he will be leaving them as well. Ugh! Before when he sent them out two by two, he was there when they returned from their mission trip. Now he is leaving. Peter's heart must have really been troubled. Look at 13:37-38. So now in John 14, Jesus gives them words of comfort. 

If a team is going to function well, it needs to know some basics. Jesus gives us some kingdom team basics in our passage today. Will we make to home plate in the end? How can we know the way and help others know the way? How can we know the Father and help others to know him? How can we do great things to advance God's kingdom? As you're reading, I'm sure you're going to come across verses that raise added questions. Good, that proves you're carefully thinking as you're reading. So here's what I want you to do today.

1.- Read John 14:1-14 and write down just one question that arises from your reading. Then use your newest arsenal of multiple commentaries on a single verse- See if you can find a satisfying answer to your question. Paste that answer from the commentary underneath the question you raised. Very good! (Don't feel obligated to read all the commentaries. Read until you find gold.)

2.- Yesterday I asked you to get in touch with your wingmen and pray for them. Who did you call? (Way to go teammate!)

3.- Perhaps this weekend you'll watch  a good movie. To get things rolling, enjoy watching a great minimoive. Go to our site- and pick one video you haven't seen yet. Then as usual, just share its name and briefly what it was about. 

Be on the lookout to share our Greatestminimovies with others. We have been sent by the Lord to help people come to know the way and the truth and the life, Jesus. He is the bridge. He is the way to the Father, the truth about how to get to the Father, and the secret of eternal life that the Father offers.

Note: I always thought Prov.14:12 was a great lead in to John 14:6.

Remember how to draw and share the Bridge illustration, using just one verse- Rom.6:23? 

Up for a hike? On Sat. Oct.3rd, we're rendezvousing at mi casa at 8:00 AM to go hiking at Indiana Dunes. Just bring lunch money for stopping on our way back. (Don't sit home when you could try something new :)

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Wed.9.23.15...Devotion and Betrayal...John 13:1-20

Welcome to Part 2 of John's gospel (ch.13-21). The first part (ch.1-12) focused on Jesus' messages and miracles to the crowds as he moved from place to place. This second part focuses on Jesus in Jerusalem. The first portion (ch.13-17), Jesus prepares his disciples to take over his mission after he is gone. Just as Jesus was sent by the Father, he will send them. The events that follow (ch.18-20) also are set in Jerusalem. Only the conclusion (ch.21) is away from Jerusalem, back by the Sea of Galilee. Okay enough of the overview of part 2. Let's dive in. 

I hate to cut chapter 13 in two because the threads of betrayal tie it together. But for sake of your time, we will look at the second half of the chapter tomorrow. Hopefully you'll forgive me. Speaking of forgiveness, you'll see forgiveness enacted by Jesus as you read John 13:1-20. Foot washing was a common practice in Bible times when people walked with sandals on dusty paths. It would have been very rude not to have your servant wash the dusty feet of your guest, or at least offer him some water to do so (see Luke 7:44). Jesus makes it clear that the person who has bathed doesn't need a whole bath again, just his feet washed. Paul powerfully brings this to light when he exposes the filthy past of many of us, ending with such cleansing, good news- "Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God" 1 Cor.6:9-11. So was Jesus instituting foot washing as a church practice or something to bring about world peace? I don't think so. 

There are churches that occasionally will have a foot washing ceremony. I'm not saying the practice is outdated. I've led a few of those. But such occasions are so few and far between, involving so few people. I don't see how even those churches that do so can feel like they are really carrying out the practice of this passage. Do you really think if Jesus gives a command that we should feel good about obeying it if we do it only once in a blue moon? I think at the heart of what Jesus enacted is not about our feet, but about our hearts. Do I have the Lord's heart of love and forgiveness to wash off the dirt, the sins, of my brother's daily fallen walk with God and especially with me? Here's what Jesus said we should do when a brother sins against us- "If he sins against you seven times in a day, and seven times comes back to you and says, 'I repent,' forgive him" Luke 17:4. Wow, that would be one rude dude to be so offensive in one day! But if he came back with his dirty feet, repenting, I am to wash his feet with forgiveness. Think how often each day the Lord washes our dirty feet. Our call is to be like Christ, to follow his example. Jesus said, "I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you" John 13:15. I think the example we are to follow is to wash off the dirt on others, to forgive those who wrong us or hurt our feelings. If we don't forgive from the heart, we are in deep weeds with God (Mt.18:21-35). On the other hand, "Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them" John 13:17.  

You and I are to forgive each other, "just as in Christ, God has forgiven you" Eph.4:32. But what if the person has not come back to say, "I'm sorry, I repent. Would you please forgive me?" Some think they don't have to forgive until then. But that keeps such Christians full of bitterness and unforgiveness. Jesus taught us to pray, "Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us" Mt.6:12. The word forgive has the idea of "sending away." If you don't send back the unwanted item, it stays with you. So get rid of it! Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself- the gift of freedom and peace within. It doesn't mean that an unsafe and unrepentant person needs to be invited over to eat. But forgiveness does mean that you begin with a heart of forgiveness, regardless of their response. If the person is dead or can't be located, forgive them too. Give yourself that gift. If you are having a really hard time forgiving someone, that's what we're here for. There's help and healing when we confess our struggles and sins and get prayer support- "Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective" James 5:16. 

1.- Read John 13:1-20. Is there anyone you need to forgive? Wash their dirty feet with God's forgiveness, which he has poured out so abundantly upon you. Without mentioning his or her name, write a brief prayer of forgiveness. It could be as simple as this- "Because Jesus has forgiven me so much, I choose to forgive X of his/her wrongs against me."  If you're good with everyone now, perhaps you could write a prayer of celebration of how God helped you forgive someone who had wronged you in the past or of his great forgiveness of you.

If the enemy keeps bringing the offence to mind, keep bringing what Jesus has done for you to mind. Replace hard thoughts with forgiving thoughts. Bless those that curse you. 

2.- Contact one or more of your wingmen and pray for them, especially if they need prayer regarding forgiving a person. Also find out how they are doing on their GREAT SMART goal they set Monday. 

One of my goals is to daily read God's word to my wife. I almost forgot yesterday. I remembered late last night, so I went up from my basement office to read to her in bed. Thankfully, she was still awake and appreciative ;) 

Remember I said, that this upper room discourse (ch.13-17) is Jesus' final training of his squad of manly men take over the mission upon his soon departure. For a team to succeed, it has to work well together. Yet we know that when people work together, there will inevitably be offenses and hurt feelings. Thus, Jesus didn't waste his time simply washing their feet. He was illustrating in an unforgettable way the great importance of forgiving, of cleansing the dirty feet of others. He certainly does that with us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us of all unrighteousness" 1 John 1:9. 

3.- I commit to you, to forgive you, to wash away whatever sins you may commit against me. We will work through such. Will you do the same for me and for your teammates? 

We are not quitters, we are conquerors! 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Mon.9.21.15...John 12:20-36

Do you text and drive? Don't answer that! Have you ever heard a pastor or Bible teacher call a passage of Scripture a text? It's certainly not to be compared to a dull, school textbook, or a phone text. But just what does that word mean? The word "text" hearkens back to the ancient textile or clothing industry. So it refers to the fabric or weave of words. The Scriptures are so beautifully woven together. 

Today and over the next few days, we will look at the text or the woven fabric of John 12:20-50. Yes, I've included a few of the verses we looked at Friday because they are all tightly woven together. Because there are so many golden threads within, we will just focus on verses 20-36 today. 

1.- So read through that text now (John 12:20-36) and pick out one verse that especially grabs your attention. Then use the arsenal of commentaries you now have via Remember, all you have to do is click on John 12 and then click on the verse that you want more info on. If you haven't bookmarked that link yet, please do so now.

Note: I like Dave Guzik's commentary on John, but occasionally he or another commentator might not cover in depth the very verse you want more info on. This new site should always give you plenty of info on any verse you pick.

Evaluation is the breakfast of champions. So look over your scoring below from last week and note where you did well and where you want to also improve. What is your manly, numerical goal for improvement in one area? (You might decide: This week I will shoot to score a weekly total of 10 in the Encouragement column. Or I will seek to Attack in prayer everyday (earning a 7), as I pray for myself and my fire team brothers by name.   

Setting a numerical goal is part of setting new, SMART goals. A lot of people set dumb goals. "I'm gonna try and lose a lot of weight fast." Ugh! Dumb goals aren't really goals at all. They're just wishful thinking. Let's set SMART goals-
Significant- Is this worthy of pursuing? In M3 we are a pursuing GREAT things in God's eyes.
Measurable- example: How many M3 men will you seek to encourage by next week?
Accountable- Who are you sharing this with to motivate you to succeed? In M3, it's your wingmen.
Reviewed- Will you look at your goals for the week, daily? If not, it will probably get sidelined.
Time bound- When will you achieve this by? Date it. For our purposes, it's next week.

Here are some examples of both: 
Dumb: I need to walk more.
SMART: This week, I will take 5 walks for at least 20 minutes.
Dumb: I need to do better in the Encouragement column.
SMART: I will encourage 2 brothers on the blog each day and call my wingmen twice each week. 
Dumb: I wanna do better at Recruiting
SMART: I will talk to at least one brother at church each week about M3 and give each one a follow up call by midweek.  
Dumb: I need to witness more.
SMART: I will give out 5 Greatest Minimovies cards a week. 

2.- After evaluating how you did below, write out one SMART goal for this week that you need to work on. If you have not been daily at putting up your points on the board, please make that your daily goal for this week.

Don't use the the words, "I'll try to..." Those are weak words, not manly words. Instead begin your SMART goal by stating, "By God's power, I will..."  Make sure you include a number of what you are aiming for so that it's measurable. Here's mine- "By God's power, I will read the word and pray with my wife all 7 days this week." Doing something daily has great power in it. Other things you will find are best accomplished by assigning a day or days to it. For example, you might set the following goal- "By God's power, every Sunday, I will talk to at least one brother about joining M3.  If you're ambitious, you can write out a second goal- M3 or non M3 related. 

3.- Write down your SMART goal on a card, sticky note, in your phone, or in your computer, wherever you can review it each day this week. When you have written it down on such, write, "Did it." ("Will do it" does not count:) 

Next Monday, we will see how you did. I believe you will be pleased at how well you will do as you follow this SMART approach to achieving in any area of life. If you need help with any of this, it's just a phone call away. Together Everyone Accomplishes More. Being on a GREAT TEAM has an added benefit. When you go public with a goal, you gain added internal motivation and external encouragement. Go for it! (Next Monday, we'll discover how to make even SMARTER goals:)

Yoda's counsel was right on...
Do, or do not. There is no try.

Congrats once again to Squad 5 and also to their Fire Team 1 for highest scores this week. Many of you have also done very well this past week. I can't wait to see how well you by next Monday in light of the goals you will be achieving. Watch out! 

G R E A T Tot.
Squad 1 28
Eddie Morales U R5 5 4 46 8 6 69
Fire Team 1 39.25
William Dyckman U R1 10 1 24 3 1 39
Phil Raymond U R1 16 5 24 7 2 54
Ismael Andrade R2 5 6 15 3 1 30
James Schmidt U 6 1 16 11 0 34
Fire Team 2 13
Gary Remson R1 5 0 2 2 0 9
Luis Ortiz U 5 0 7 5 0 17
Alex Dyckman U 7 0 6 0 0 13
Squad 2 21.83
Sam Vargas U R3 20 2 11 15 5 53
Fire Team 1 32.5
Oscar Nunez U 9 5 9 15 0 38
Lou Ojeda U 5 1 17 4 0 27
Fire Team 2 16.5
Israel Fuentes R1 5 0 5 9 0 19
Dave Ramirez 0 0 0 0 0 0
Dave DeBoer U R1 11 0 6 10 1 28
Tim Dearborn U 8 3 2 5 1 19
Squad 3 28.66
Robert Roman U R1 10 0 15 7 2 34
Fire Team 1 25
Vince Diaz U R1 5 0 40 5 2 52
Nic Palhegyi U R1 5 0 8 4 1 18
Mike Dunn U 10 0 0 3 0 13
Rich Petre 5 0 9 3 0 17
Fire Team 2 36
Osiris Alday U R1 8 7 12 12 4 43
Mark Lauber New
Ed Lake 5 1 11 10 2 29
Squad 4 36
George Rabiela U R1 19 3 22 26 22 92
Fire Team 1 18.66
Dave Heidekruger U R2 10 0 10 8 2 30
Michael Gonzalez 0 0 0 0 0 0
Chuy Cervantes U 5 4 1 16 0 26
Fire Team 2 53.3
Rich Guardiola U R1 15 4 15 13 3 50
Mark Estrada 10 12 4 19 3 48
Horacio De La Torre U 15 9 11 17 10 62
Squad 5 42.42
Jack Rogers U R5 35 3 34 9 6 87
Fire Team 1 58
Roger Vinlasaca U R1 60 0 25 5 0 90
Armando Hernandez U 29 0 8 5 0 42
Jose Billegas U 17 3 16 6 0 42
Fire Team 2 30.75
George Doherty U R1 10 2 20 5 2 39
Andre Vargas U 5 0 0 15 0 20
Lemmy Lukudu U R1 18 6 7 10 0 41
Kevin Long U 7 0 5 11 0 23
Squad 6 19
Mike Berry U 5 1 8 3 2 19