Do you feel that you're an ordinary guy, an average Joe? I do. I was browsing through a Christian bookstore a few years ago and was attracted to a book by Troy Meder, entitled, Average Joe. In a world obsessed with supermen and superwomen, this book was a refreshing reminder that God likes to use us ordinary men. We are just jars of clay (cracked pots and some crack pots:) whom God uses for His purposes and glory. He is the one who is super, not us.
Here's a good quote from Troy's book- “An ordinary existence, shapes a man’s integrity, moral stability, resolve, and strength as we live life focused on faith, family and friendships- this is what makes a man exceptional.” In other words, the day in, day out routines of faithfully going off to work, coming home after work instead of going to the bar, taking care of the car, the house, the bills, seeking to be a good husband, father, friend and man of God- these faithful acts God uses to mold us into His image. We may long for greater abilities, but the greatest ability is dependability. Such faithful men are rare in a world that will quickly compromise for selfish gain or cave in for personal pleasure. Their "loyalty" talk is cheap. "Many a man claims to have unfailing love, but a faithful man, who can find?" Prov.20:6. Such hard to find, faithful men are collector's items which God seeks and treasures.
Semper Fi is Latin for "Always Faithful." This is the motto of the US Marines. (Mark Estrada and Dave Heidekrueger both served in the Marines, so they know that expression well.) It's a motto we have also adopted in M3- "Always faithful." Aren't you glad God is always faithful to us? He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins. He is faithful to make a way of escape when we face temptations. He is faithful to keep his word and His promises. He is faithful to never leave us or forsake us. Jesus also faithfully carried out his mission of redemption for us. He faithfully went to the cross. Now he is looking for a few good men, faithful men, to advance his kingdom by His power for His glory. I'm so glad I'm with such a faithful band of brothers, committed to the mission of multiplying manly men.
Thank you for being a faithful man. Thank you for faithfully seeking to provide for your family. Thank you for faithfully seeking to be a loving man, and an M3 MANLY man. I know it's not always easy to blog and to score in GREAT ways, but God is molding you into a GREAT man. Just be faithful. Apply that same faithfulness you've developed over years of school and work and home life to your spiritual life. God is growing you into a very strong man of God. Keep faithfully working on GREAT things for God's kingdom. Then great will be your reward in heaven. Be faithful unto death and He will give you the crown of life and say, "Well done good and faithful servant!"
1.-What was a chore that you had as a kid that you were to faithfully complete? Share a little bit about it. It may not have been much fun, but it began to train you in faithfulness. Semper Fi!
2.-Read Prov.20:1-15 and share a verse of phrase that interests you and some of your thoughts about it. Then you know what to do- seek to faithfully enrich others with it.
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