Thursday, June 25, 2015

Th.6.25.15...Semper Fi!...Prov.25:15-28

What strikes you about these two verses from Proverbs 25?
"Like the coolness of snow at harvest time is a trustworthy messenger to those who send him; he refreshes the spirit of his masters" 25:13
"Like a bad tooth or a lame foot is reliance on the unfaithful in times of trouble" 25:19
Yes, both start with the word "Like." As a matter of fact, in chapters 25-26, twenty of the verses start with that word of comparison- "Like." (I've underlined them in my Bible.) The original meaning of the word "proverb" meant a "comparison." (Like) You could make up proverbs of comparison like those yourself. "Like nails on a chalk board is a whining child." But the verses above aren't about whining children, but being unfaithful or trustworthy. If you are trustworthy, you are refreshing. If a man is not, then he is a big pain in the tooth or foot or elsewhere:) 

Ever been around someone who was all talk, but not trustworthy? The year before I was to get married, I took in a brother from the church to help him out and for him to help me out with rent. Then another brother needed a place to stay and then another. None ended up holding down their jobs, so I was soon providing free room and board to three grown men. They promised money soon, but it never came. Reminds me of another proverb from today's reading, "Like clouds and wind without rain is a man who boasts of gifts he does not give" 25:14. I ended up loaning one of those guys an accumulation of $300. After he moved out, I politely called him a few times about the money he owed me. "Out of gratitude" he then hired a lawyer who called, telling me to stop threatening his client. When I explained what happened, I think the lawyer was quite embarrassed. (Any story sounds true until you hear the other side. Compare Prov.18:17.)

Another one of those brothers who lived with me went on a singles retreat I was leading. He liked to dress in military fatigues and was fond of saying our Marines motto, "Semper Fi!" (Always faithful.) 

When we were on a group hike, I sent him back to the camp to bring back directions to a spot I wanted to take the group to. We waited and waited. He never showed, so we returned to the camp lounge area, only to find him playing chess. Erg! He gave some weak excuse for not coming back to us, to which I sarcastically said, "Semper fi!" Yes, I was ticked! "Like a bad tooth or a lame foot is reliance on the unfaithful in times of trouble" 25:19.

I commend you for being faithful to the team even when you would rather play chess, play a video game or play a movie. I commend you for being unstoppable when you would rather stop reading and go to sleep. I commend you for persevering when you've had a hard day and there's more yet to do. I commend you for promptly returning calls, when so many other people don't do that for you. When it's hardest, that's when to push even harder. My 16 year old son has a word for getting something done when it is really hard, "Beast-mode!" If it's pushing through the pain in wrestling practice or pushing up one more rep of killer weights, then go into "Beast-mode." It is when you would rather not, that tests what you are made of. When you'd rather not have to stay up late to fulfill the mission, go into beast-mode! That is where "glory" and honor is found. Do hard things. Paul said he gloried in his sufferings. Taste it. Be trustworthy no matter what. In special forces training, soldiers are required to stay awake for over 24 hours to accomplish a practice mission. They put the mission above their comfort. They are trustworthy. In a world of unfaithful men, you are so refreshing to me (let me make up a proverb), like jumping into a pool on a really hot day. Best of all you are refreshing to our semper fi Father in heaven. You are reflecting His image! Hoo-rah!

PS- A shout out to the Marines in our midst, Mark Estrada and Dave Heidekrueger and to all our armed forces personnel, such as Andre Vargas (Army) and Sam Vargas (Air Force). Am I missing anyone? You have faithfully served and we salute you.  

1.- Maybe it wasn't because you needed to be faithful to accomplish an important mission, but share a memory of when you stayed up for an extra long stretch, perhaps over 24 hours. You were in beast-mode. You have got what it takes. Semper fi!

2.- Read through Prov.25:15-28 and share a verse you like and what you like about it. 

Thanks for being trustworthy, reliable- even faithfully putting your points on the scoreboard. You also lighten my load and your fire team captain's when we don't have to make reminder calls. Udabest! 

Please remember to fill in your prayer partners names and email addresses within the "Contacts" tab. The deadline for completing this is next Tuesday, June 30th. We need all the prayer support we can get. You have entered into the battle and the enemy does not like it. Pray!  

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