Ever read a book on success? I've read plenty of 'em and taken notes too. There are a lot of good principles in them that can be traced right back to the book of Proverbs. Here's an alphabet of qualities that you will find in such books and in the Bible- A+ attitudes, Belief, Character, Diligence, Evaluation, Faithfulness, Gratitude, Helpfulness, Integrity, Justice, Kindness, Love, Motivation, Nobility, Optimism, Patience, Quality, Research, Strategies, Teamwork, Unstoppable, Vision, Wise, Xtra-mile effort, Yes possibility thinking and Zeal.
But here's one essential that success literature doesn't discuss- the overruling hand of God. It doesn't matter how hard and smart a person may work to achieve his dreams, God still rules and overrules. It doesn't matter how much expert advice a man may get, God still rules and overrules. It's funny to listen to experts talk about creating a vision (a preferred future) for one's life. Even the one I heard recently on WMBI admitted that the vision he wrote down for his life didn't turn out the way he imagined. God overruled. If you sat down when you were at age 20, do you think you would have envisioned your life as it is today? Do you think today you could accurately envision your life 10 years from now? God rules even over the kings of the earth, how much more over ours?! "The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord; he directs it like a watercourse wherever he pleases" Prov.21:1.
When I was in my mid-twenties I attended a seminar called, "Master Planning Your Life." We were given this poster sized paper to write down our heart's desires, goals and plans in various areas of life- spiritual, financial, marital, physical, social and mental. Despite the hype from the instructor, those written plans for the future didn't materialize. I'm not against goals. But I prefer to work on output goals rather than outcome goals. An output goal is what I will put out to do. For example, "I will talk to these men about M3." But I don't set outcome goals. "By the end of 2015, M3 will grow to this size." That's out of my control. Yes, we want to build mature, manly men who multiply their lives. But I can't control the behavior of others, only my own. Makes sense, right? Yet businesses love to set outcome goals. "We will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make this much money." (Sound familiar? James 4:13-16.) Instead, focus more on enriching others and leave the results to God. You can plan your course, but the Lord determines how far you'll get. (see Prov.16:9)
Okay, yesterday I promised I would tell you about the advice I sought regarding the two ministry opportunities before me two years ago. One was a very good ministry in Chicagoland, but I would have to raise support (Did that before when I was a missionary to teens in Humboldt Park). The other was with a prestigious ministry that would pay me a good salary and give me a new car. But we would have to say goodbye to family and church friends and move to Texas. (I commend my wife for being willing to move away from her mom whom she talks with daily. My kids were troopers about it as well.) The wise man in Michigan I called for advice asked me which position I preferred. He asked a wise question rather than giving me advice. So I chose Texas. I flew down there a few times and met with donors- I was a fund raiser for the ministry. I enjoyed meeting with people. But there was just one problem. My manager was intolerable to work for. I've served under unsaved sales mangers who built me up and believed in me, but not this Christian man. So three months into it, shortly before our house was to go on the market, I resigned. I politely asked that manager three times in an exit interview, which I requested, what I could have done to improve my serve. Each time he could find nothing to say. But he did apologize twice for his poor treatment of me. Then as I was waiting for my flight back to break the news to wife, he called me up and gave me a month's severance pay. Thank you Lord. I felt vindicated. But still there was much pain. "God, I thought this is what you wanted for my life! What do I do now? I'm so hurt and confused."
Here's the point. The king's heart, and my former manager's heart are in the hand of the Lord; he directs it like a watercourse wherever he pleases. I have felt that my life is like a dot to dot coloring book. Following the dots, as a child, I went from here, to over there, and then almost back to where I started, without seeing the big picture. In the end it happily all made sense, but not at the time. So it will be in heaven. The Lord will show me His dot to dot coloring book of my life. Then He and I will both smile with joy! :)
I can't give you accurate advice on what you should do with your career choices. I don't even know what the future of my career will be. Sales are unusually slow this time of year. But I do know that God rules in the affairs of men. I know that He loves you and is committed to you, despite confusing circumstances. And I know that He is seeking to advance His kingdom through His warrior sons who will fight on despite setbacks and confusion. War is like that. He is pleased with your perseverance, your unstoppable drive, and your work to build up your brothers and to recruit others to help forcefully advance His kingdom. That part of His plan for our lives is clear- "to multiply manly men" and you're doing. "Well done!" And your life's dot to dot coloring book is also going to be well done:)
1.- Maybe I'm not alone in good plans not materializing. Did you ever make some good plans that sadly didn't transpire? If so, please share them with me and the team.
2.- Read Prov.21:1-15 and share a verse or phrase that gabbed your interest and a few of your thoughts on it. Then look for opportunities to enrich others with such.
PS- I hold no hard feelings toward that x manager. Well, maybe a little at first. He caused such pain and confusion. But I have to believe that God used it for His purposes. I'm so glad I'm with you brothers now. This is where I belong. I can see that much of the dot to dot coloring book picture now:)
I'll see my hiker friends tomorrow at 8:00AM. Call or text me to confirm you're coming.
I'll see all of you Sunday, 11:30-12:30 for our big M3 meeting. I've got awards and recognitions to give out and a powerful outreach tool. You won't want to miss this. Thanks for your contributions to the free will offering we will be receiving to help repay expenses incurred. We are continuing to grow. Expect to meet new brothers at our meeting.
If there is an altar call, "Go to the Front!" Men need our help. Also be on the look-out for men to invite. We have more M3 cards available.
To those who have already received your Unstoppable award pin, Sunday would be a great day to wear it :)
Please keep Eddie in your prayers. He is still on the mission trip to Queretaro, Mexico until Monday. We are fighting to expand God's kingdom against the kingdom of darkness.
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