Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Tues.10.6.15...Let Them Go!...John 18:1-27

How many movie scenes have you seen where evil men have taken innocent people hostage? Then the hero steps forward and courageously says, "I'm the one you want. Let them go." We see such a scene occurring in today's drama. The gospel of John is unfolding like a movie. Jesus steps forward to spare his own. It's a foreshadowing of what he will soon do for all of us. It's also a reminder of what manly men do for those they are devoted to. A man will lay down his life for his wife and children. A fireman will run into a burning building to rescue people when everyone else is running out. A soldier will throw his body on a grenade to spare his buddies. Such sacrifices are so manly, heroic and loving. They remind us of Jesus' love for us of which John 3:16 speaks. But do you know 1 John 3:16? "This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers." Such sacrificial love for one's Christian brothers was expected back then. Now it seems so foreign. 

Most contemporary Christians have little sense of sacrificial devotion to others. They view being a Christian as one who goes to church and tries to be good. They have no sense of devotion to the mission, the fight to set captives free and multiply manly men. They have no covenant friends, none that have their backs, none that they are devoted to, none that they fight in prayer for by name. Thus, if they ever felt their life was under fire, they would have no fireteam brothers to call on who would fight for them. They have no sense of fighting together as a team. They have a cruise ship versus a battle ship mentality. See what I mean-

What would it take for you to quit- to go back to a cruise ship Christianity? No one is forcing you to stay on board the M3 battleship. It's easier not to be devoted to others and to Christ and his mission. Peter found that out the hard way. He thought he was so devoted to Jesus. He declared, "Lord, I am ready to go to prison and to death" Luke 22:33. But Jesus saw through his self-confident heart- "Will you really lay down your life for me? I tell you the truth, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times!" John 13:38. Thank God for the Lord's restorative grace and the gift of his Spirit to transform Peter. O Lord help us to remain devoted to you and each other, otherwise we could cower and disown you before even a servant girl as Peter did.

1.- Read through John 18:1-27 and share some of your thoughts on it. As always, feel free to use your arsenal of commentaries at http://ift.tt/1QVU3MY

2.- True NT Christianity calls us to be devoted Christ, to lay down our lives for him and for one another and to the mission, to make every effort to grow and make multiplying disciples. It can be very challenging. But that's what we are about. We even set goals to pry ourselves out of our comfort zones for God's glory and our good and the good of others. So why do you prefer to be on the M3 battleship than simply the Sunday morning cruise ship? 

I want to commend Mike Dunn who has done something manly and worthy of honor. He has shown himself unstoppable for four weeks in a row. Thus, I look forward to presenting him with his Unstoppable Award Pin at our next meeting, October 18th. Way to go Mike! You will see a U by your name on the scoreboard starting tomorrow.  Who-ra! 

I see some other brothers that are showing renewed unstoppable determination as well. Remember, as crazy as the day may get and ruin your plans, you can still fulfill your goal and commitment at night- No scripture, no sleep. A little sacrifice of sleep is a little sacrifice indeed. Manly men make noble sacrifices to fulfill the mission and that's what you are. Just do it! You are a "no excuses" man. You are made new in Christ to conquer. Thank you Lord!

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