When you read the gospels, keep in mind that Jesus lived in Israel under the law. He perfectly kept the old covenant law and then brought an end to it with his death, establishing a new covenant that centered on the new birth and growth in Christlike (MANLY) living.
Here is a quick summary of the theme and the audience to which each of the four gospels focused on. (You can listen to a summary of this under the Resources tab beginning halfway through the third of the four audio tracks right under our GREAT scoreboard link.)
Matthew – The Messiah King of Israel. Written for the Jews who longed for their Messiah.
Mark- The Suffering Servant. Written for the Romans who ruled over so many.
Luke- Son of Man-God's Perfect Man. Written for the Greeks who prized human perfection.
John- Son of God- Man's Perfect God Written for the world who all need eternal life.
A Comparison / Contrast Chart of the Gospels
The Syn-optics: (a similar viewpoint)
Matthew, Mark, Luke The Gospel of John
Parables- about 30 different ones Parables- None
Public teachings are common Private teachings are common
Practical teachings Personal teachings (I Am...)
The Synoptic Problem
Bible scholars have labeled it "The Synoptic Problem." They are referring to the fact that when you compare the same story that Matthew, Mark or Luke records, you will find variations. Those who expect 21st century journalism to be used by the gospel writers have a problem. Some even call such contradictions. (But God guided the gospel writers. The variations were not due to fading memories.) For example, Matthew records there were two Gadarene demoniacs (8:28). Yet Mark (5:2) and Luke (8:27) only refer to one. How could anyone forget that there were two demonized men?! They didn't. They wanted to focus on the man who wanted to follow Jesus. This is the lesson that both Mark and Luke were seeking to communicate. People whom the Lord has freed should want to follow him. We can't physically follow Jesus as people could then. But one way we now can follow him is by doing what that transformed man did. He went and told others about Jesus. We are seeking to do the same as we share Greatest Mini-movies cards and our testimonies as well.
The Gospel of John
Like many books, the gospel of John has an introduction (1:1-18), body, and conclusion (ch.21). The body of the book has been divided by scholars into two sections or books- the book of signs (ch.1:19-ch.12) and the book of glory (ch.13-20). The first section or book of signs, covers Jesus three and a half year earthly ministry. The second section, the book of glory covers just the last week of Jesus' life, death and resurrection. Thus, the last third of the gospel focuses on that very short span of time- the time that changed world history, and your life and mine.
John, who was one of the 12 apostles, also wrote 1st, 2nd and 3rd John and the book of Revelation. You may know that John refers to groups of 7 several times in Revelation, such as 7 letters to 7 churches, 7 seals, 7 trumpets and 7 bowls of wrath. (We will eventually study that awesome book too.) John also refers to groups of seven in his gospel, yet without naming the number. For example, many have noted that John presents:
7 "I am" statements of Christ.
“I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me shall not hunger.” John 6:35
“I am the light of the world; he who fallows Me shall not walk in the darkness, but shall have the light of life.” John 8:12
“I am the gate; if anyone enters through Me, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.” John 10:9
“I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for His sheep.” John 10:11
“I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me shall live even if he dies.” John 11:25
“I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me.” John 14:6
“I am the true vine, and My Father is the vine-dresser.” John 15:1
7 miraculous signs Jesus performed leading up to his crucifixion and resurrection.
turning water into wine (2.1–11);
curing the royal official's son (4.46–54);
curing a paralytic (5.1–5);
feeding the 5,000 (6.1–15);
walking on water (6.16–21);
healing a blind man (9.1–41);
raising Lazarus from the dead (11.1–44).
Here are other groups of 7 that I unearthed from my own study of John's gospel.
7 bearing witness to Jesus' deity (The Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, the miracles, the OT Scriptures, John the Baptist, and people.)
7 people or people groups who put their faith in Jesus- the disciples (2;11), the Samaritans (4;42), the royal official and his household (4:53), the blind man (9:38), Martha (11:27), people within the crowd (11:45), Mary Magdalene (20:18).
7 major movements apart from the beginning (ch.1) and ending (ch.21) of the book- the area of Galilee ch.2; Jerusalem ch.3; Samaria ch.4:1-42; back to Galilee ch.4:43-54; back to Jerusalem ch.5; back to the Sea of Galilee area ch.6; back to Jerusalem area ch.7-20
7 places- Bethany beyond the Jordan; Cana, Caperaum, Jerusalem, Salim, Sychar and Bethany near Jerusalem. This reminds us that John roots his stories in real places which his readers could visit to verify these things with their inhabitants. They weren't made up tall tales.
7 times Jesus refers to his death and resurrection- 2:22; 3;14; 6:51; 12:7; 12:32-33; 13;19; 13:21
Watch the following short video clip on Jesus in the gospel of John.
1.- Since today is an overview of all four of the gospels, let's do something different. Feel free to pick any passage within the four gospels. Read it and share a verse or phrase from it that caught your attention and some of your thoughts about it. Then look for others to share it with.
2.- Christ is the good news we have received. Share about an opportunity you've had recently to share that good news with others via your testimony or via giving out a Greatest Mini-movies card.
Thanks for faithfully remembering to go the the scoreboard. As you do, see how your teammates are doing. Are there any who haven't put up any points yet this week? By all means contact them! Don't expect someone else to do it. You and I are our brother's keeper (body guard). "Be devoted to one another in brotherly love" Rom.12:10. Thanks!
Today is a big day! I am happy to introduce two friends of mine who are joining M3 today. Nic Palheygi invited his friend Mike Dunn to join. He and Mike go all the way back to high school days together. He attends New Life Oak Forest and is a master wood furniture craftsman. Mike has already jumped in a couple days ago and shared gold. He will enrich you as well. Welcome Mike!
The other brother I want to introduce lives near me and so we've been able to go on several walks together. He is a real outdoorsman who just got back from mountain climbing in the Rockies. He is a graduate of MBI and was a missionary with Inner City Impact starting just after I left in 1988 when I came on staff with New Life. He is a leader at New Life Oak Forest and a computer whiz who has helped me with this blog and M3 various times. He is also the one that gave Greatest Mini-Movies a major facelift. He is in charge of an entire school's computers and systems. Please welcome with me my good friend and Dave DeBoer's good friend, Tim Dearborn.
Congratulations also to Dave DeBoer who now graduates from Basic Training and is officially welcomed and honored as a Coach in M3 with the rank of R1.
Congratulations also to Nic who now holds the rank of R2 as a Coach!
It's coming! Our next M3 meeting will be on Sunday, Aug.16th at 11:30 AM in New Life Midway's break room. I have a special guest to introduce to you. See you there!
Would you dare to climb up a 177' tower to dive as this man did? And what's that got to do with tomorrow's lesson? Not much, but you'll see :)
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