Thursday, August 13, 2015

Th.8.13.15...Zeal for God's House...John 2:12-25

Yesterday we saw Jesus at a wedding party. Jesus was a man with fullness of joy who was a joy to be around. Even the little children were attracted to him. Today we meet Jesus at another festivity, but this time, he is far from happy. Read John 2:12-25. Here we read of Jesus going up to Jerusalem for the Passover feast (held in mid April). Jesus was angered at the corruption that was going on in his Father's house. Just as Moses was angered at the people's corrupt behavior, so we see God's ultimate Deliverer angry at such as well.

Anger is emotional energy. It can be used to help or hurt. Oftentimes our anger is unrighteous. "My dear brothers take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires" James 1:20. We can have a fast fuse and then blow up. But notice that Jesus was not like that. He even took the time to make a whip to drive out the animals from his Father's house of worship. This was a carefully weighed response. His emotional energy of anger was aimed at correcting a problem. His disciples didn't even view this as an angry outburst, but of his holy zeal, fulfilling a prediction regarding the character of the Messiah- "Zeal for your house will consume me" (quoted from Ps.69:9).

Notice it says the Jews demanded of him, "What miraculous sign can you show us to prove your authority to do all this?" Does it strike you as odd that Jesus and the disciples, including John, who wrote this were all Jews, yet John calls them "the Jews" over 60 times in his book? Though this gospel was written for the whole world, John is reminding us of the actors in the story he is telling. This is not some made up fairy tale. It is rooted in history. Yesterday even we learned that the stone water pots were "the kind the Jews used for ceremonial washing" 2:6. He is helping us understand the customs of his own people whom he is writing about. The Jews in this case, who were demanding the miraculous sign, were the religious leaders who did not like Jesus from the start. Jesus didn't perform a miracle in front of them because it wouldn't have changed their hearts anyway. Want proof? You'll get plenty as we move through this gospel. 

The greatest proof that Jesus has given of being the promised Messiah is his resurrection from the dead. The disciples later understood Jesus' fulfillment of the Scriptures. We will see that John highlights the Scriptures as a prime evidence that Jesus is the Christ.

If salvation is by believing in Jesus, then why didn't Jesus entrust himself to those who believed in him after seeing the miracles he performed in 2:23? Jesus knew their hearts. He knew their faith in him was superficial. We will see John return to this issue of superficial faith a few other times in his gospel of belief. As an evangelist, John was wanting to help people see that they must follow Jesus for the right reason or their faith is worthless. Evangelists admit that many of the people who come forward at an altar call for salvation aren't even sure what they are doing there. They were emotionally moved, but not convicted and repentant of their sins. You will see that in churches today. Sadly, I've seen it already in M3- people who talk a good game as they join, but don't walk faithfully. They are here today and gone tomorrow. Jesus even told a parable, repeated in Matthew, Mark and Luke, about people, who are like plants, which spring up quickly, but have no root, so they don't last and bear fruit. Thus, we are warned to expect drop outs. It's not that the bar is set so high. People even drop out from simply going to church. Perhaps the weeds of the affairs of this life choke out their remaining and bearing fruit. Or perhaps they were expecting a quick cure to their struggles. Some may want an easy faith, not a manly faith which endures tough times. And tougher times will come in these end times. We will see later in John 6 that Jesus lost most of his so called followers because they only had superficial faith. 

Am I saying that a man who drops out of M3 is not saved? Of course not. But that is always possible. Judas faked it well. I am simply reminding us all to beware of a quitters mentality that hallows out the chests of so many men in churches these days. If a man wants to leave M3 to do something greater for God's kingdom, we will salute him and cheer him on. (Hey, we may even join him:) But if a man leaves M3 to coast, I will be disappointed, but will still warmly treat him. I'm sure you'll do the same. Sadly, I have not seen one yet who seems to be doing better advancing in his life or advancing God's kingdom since he left. Busyness has been their common reason. We all are busy. So glad that you are busy advancing God's kingdom with us (Mt.6:33). May zeal for God's house (God's people) be what you are remembered for as well. I'm right proud of you!

1.- Share some of your thoughts on a verse or phrase from John 2:12-25.

2.- Please watch another one of our and share it's name and briefly what it was about. Then be on the lookout for people to give a card to, or send the site to them.

I like Oscar's loving persistence in outreach. He wrote, "This past Monday I shared with a co-worker the mini movies card and invited him to church. My friend keeps saying, 'I am an atheist and I do not believe in God.' I keep saying,'It‘s ok you are still welcome at church.' So, I invited him to attend, listen and learn about God the creator of life. I pray that God would soften his heart to receive the gospel."

Dave DeBoer wrote, "Last Thursday, I had the privilege of sharing the gospel with two teenage boys and they both made the decision for Christ to be their Savior!" Thank you Lord! And way to reach out Dave!

Thanks also for encouraging your fire-team and squad members, especially if you notice one missing on yesterday's scoreboard.

What do these men all have in common- the wild-west gunfighter Doc Holliday, comedian Steve Martin, basketball legend Magic Johnson, and cartoonist Gary Larson? You'll find out tomorrow.

I'm looking forward to seeing you who live in the Midway area this Sunday for an important M3 meeting at 11:30. Honors, a special guest, and revelations of new things will all be a part of that meeting. See you soon. Thanks also for helping with our free will offering. Udabest!

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