Wednesday, May 27, 2015


He who hates correction is stupid. Prov.12:1

Many serious car crashed occur because of blind spots. Many wrecks in relationships happen also because of blind spots. We all have blinds spots. Let me give you a physical example of a blind spot I have. When I look in a mirror (it's getting to be more and  more depressing:), I can't see the big bald spot on the back of my head. Thus, it's easy to forget it's there. However, others can see it from afar. 

It's bad enough that we have blind spots. What's worse is when we deny they are there. "What do you mean I'm stubborn and argumentative!!! I don't have a problem. You're the one with the problem!" Okay, to be fair, if someone says you're a jackass, ignore the jerk. If another person says such, they might be conspiring against you, right? But if three people call you such, you might need to buy a saddle. Perhaps God is trying to get through to you. "Do not be like the horse or mule, which have no understanding" Ps.32:9. The fool is stubborn like a mule. 

Such mule-headed people won't cooperate. It's got to be his way, or no way. He refuses to be open to the possibility that he has faults. "He who hates correction is stupid" 12:1. But it gets worse. "Whoever ignores correction leads others astray" 10:17. On the other hand, Proverbs says that the man who is man enough to rightly respond to correction gains understanding, shows prudence and is honored (13:18; 15:5,32).

Because you and I have blind spots, we need others to "speak the truth in love" into our lives. We are to use God's word to "correct, rebuke and encourage- with great patience and careful instruction" 2 Tim.4:2. Now don't dub yourself the duke of rebuke. But do build bridges of love strong enough to bear the weight of truth to bring into another person's life. Giving correction can be life changing. Failing to give it can be disastrous. David was a man after God's own heart, but he failed to correct his kids, resulting in much death and devastation (2 Sam.11-20).

So how can we overcome our blind spots since we can't see them? It's simple- receive feedback from others. I didn't say it was easy, and I'm not saying that you have to accept what is shared as gospel truth. But thank the person for the courage to share with you and prayerfully think it over. Maybe even run it by someone else. Older men, offering such correction with encouragement is a priceless ministry that you can have, especially with younger men. Speak wise words into their lives. This is what the father in Proverbs has been doing. "The corrections of discipline are the way of life" 6:23.

Are you open to correction? I hope so. "He who hates correction is stupid" Prov.12:1. Here are a couple responses that may reveal if a man may be stubborn like a mule to correction- "Who are you to tell me that?" "Okay, now it's my turn to tell you your faults, Mr. holier than thou!" Woe Nelly. Buy that boy a saddle!

Do you give me and others in M3 permission to lovingly note blind spots or areas you may need to work on? That's a good question to ask your kids as well. Yes, I invite you to speak the truth in love into my blind spots and areas of weakness also. I need you. Come to think of it, if a guy can't take correction or input in M3, he's in the wrong group. He needs to join a T-ball team. They will cheer for him no matter how bad he is at bat:) 

1.-Share a time from your past when someone had the guts to speak the truth into your life. How did you respond to it at the time?

2.-Read through Prov.15:1-15 and pick one verse or phrase that grabs you. It may even correct you. (You'll note verses on correction appear three times in today's passage.) Write it on your MP3 card and look for opportunities to share it with others. 

In honor of our topic of correction and mom's that have to give so much of it, I hope you and the mom in your life will have a good laugh with the following video.

3.-(Optional: Juslemeknow if'n ya liked the video. Note: Such humorous videos are good to send to your unsaved friends. Humor breaks the ice, warms hearts, and strengthens relationships. Such videos also open receptivity to evangelistic videos you may want to send later.

Don't stay in the closet of close-mindedness. 
Open your mind to the palace of possibilities.

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