Friday, May 8, 2015

Fri.5.8.15...Do Not Lust In Your Heart for Her Beauty...Prov.6:20-35

Do Not Lust in Your Heart for Her Beauty

Once again, our father figure or mentor in Proverbs brings up a life or death topic- sexual immorality. This time he devotes all of chapter 7 to this vital issue. But as you read it, you'll notice it's not like most of the rest of the book, with its many short maxims. Here, he tells us a story of what he witnessed, to drive his point home. Remember the three ways people learn- the wise learn by explanations. The easily manipulated need to learn by the painful examples of others who didn't heed the explanations. And the stubbornly self-willed of this world must learn by awful experience. This is the school of  hard knocks for hard heads. The wise father gives us a bit of all three ways of learning through his story telling here. Read his revealing story now in Prov.7 and be looking for insights to spare us from ruin.

Here are a few of the observations that I want to share and things I want to stress-
The young man went down the street headed for her house. It's as if he set his GPS to take him into the red light district. He was looking for Trouble and he found her. Words to the wise- Don't go down a path you know will lead you into temptation. Steer clear. We are weak and temptation is very strong, so stay away. Assume weakness and stupidity. Heading toward temptation is stupid!

He was in the wrong place at the wrong time- night-time. What a terrible time to let your feet and eyes wander. Night-time- when you aren't sharp and you have idle time, as David did on his rooftop, letting his eyes gaze where they didn't belong. Night-time- what a terrible time to surf the internet, if online pornography is your downfall. What?! The man struggles with online porn, but hasn't installed anti-porn software?! He's playing the fool. And what about his sons in the home? For this reason, we all should guard our homes with such protection as-  Covenant Eyes takes their name from Job's words-"I have made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a girl" Job 31:1. We are not to look at them as sex objects, but as ones needing Christ. That's how Jesus dealt with the sexually lose woman who had five husbands before shacking up with a man (John 4). 
The wayward woman had "crafty intent" 7:10 This reminds me of the serpent in the garden. Both only had crafty intent to steal, kill and destroy. Both are devilish. How interested would you be if the temptress removed her beautiful mask to reveal a horrible looking demon? Our newest member to M3, my nephew Dave DeBoer, crafted these words- "I will be wary and not tarry when lust gives me an idol to see, knowing it is a demon wanting to have me." 

The woman only seemed interested in him. But really he was just the first fool that came into her web. Isn't that the way it is with pornography and prostitution as well? They are getting paid to appear interested in you. These women actually despise men and use them for their selfish ends. They are not the kind that would ever love you and be loyal to you. The woman described in Prov.7 certainly wasn't loyal to her husband. She was a smooth talker, but those who fall for her kind are ensnared, empty, regretful and suffer greatly. 

She was dressed like a prostitute- dressed to kill. Bounce your eyes when you see women or magazines and billboards of women immodestly dressed. You are being played- played for a fool. 

If you or another brother you know struggle with online porn, I want to recommend the following site-"We Dared"  Also, if you struggle with this, here's a helpful video made by Chris White, on how he stopped watching pornography. You'll appreciate his gut honesty. It's almost 20 minutes long, so watch as much of it as time permits now and the rest over the weekend.

Don't battle porn alone! Share with a fellow warrior, such a men in your fire team. Just confessing such secret sins weakens their power. "Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed."James 5:16. New Life even has a couple groups for men seeking victory over sexual addictions. If you are struggling in this area, you know that keeping it a secret hasn't helped. Get help! 

This chapter of Proverbs started out as the other portions we've read that warn us of sexual temptation- with an exhortation to be devoted to the Father's word. For if we do not heed the call to embrace God's wisdom, we will fall to the call to embrace Seduction. Take your pick- the way that leads to life or the way that leads to death. "Keep my commands and you will live, guard my teachings as the apple of your eye...write them on the tablet of your heart." 7:2-3. A good place to start is to write them on the tablet, smart phone, or MP3 card of your choice. Then pray and praise those words into your heart and pass them on to others. 

1.-Write on your MP3 card and on the tablet of your heart, "I have made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a girl" Job 31:1. This verse may be very convicting at first and then very empowering.

2.-What's something you want to share from all that we've covered today?

Thanks to several of you who very vulnerably shared a couple days ago about your downfall into adultery. Your names will be deleted, but your powerful stories repeated to help many others in the future in M3.

We know the enemy wants to destroy our marriages. That's why we want to offer an upcoming cook-out for our M3 couples and guests, culminating with a great, 30 minute video on The Art of Marriage. More info coming to you soon.

We will have to wage war against the subtle and ruinous enemy, Lust, until the day we die. But maybe someday we won't have to deal with the cyber monster that sometimes devours your thoughtful reflections. Until then, may I highly suggest that before you hit the Publish button, that you simply copy your good work. Then if it gobbles it up, you can simply paste it and publish it again. Blog beast beaten! 

It gives me great pleasure to introduce our newest member of M3, my sister's son, Dave DeBoer. Dave has been serving on the pastoral staff at New Life Oak Forest for the past 8 years. He loves the Lord and loves to help people come to Him. You will love him too. (I sure do:) Welcome Dave!

Thanks for getting your points on the board. On Monday I'll be honoring you who have been working hard at sharing scripture and encouraging others. You are doing the work of the ministry!

Speaking of the Scoreboard and our battle against temptation, here's a strategy that has helped many. It's called "Points for Progress." Here's how it works using our Scoreboard. Give yourself +points or -points in the spare daily columns on the scoreboard. Notice that there are two empty ones after the GREAT columns. (No, those haven't been reserved for NSA data gathering:) So let's say, a guy really wants to stop such things as porn or masturbation or eating doughnuts, etc. He gives himself a +plus point every time he resists the urge. That could be several urges and points a day. And he gives himself -minus points whenever he gives in. No, you don't have to title what you're monitoring. But by monitoring your actions, you will see progress. You can also use this system for good behaviors you want to start, maintain or increase, such as going to the gym. If your goal is to go to the gym M,W,F, then give yourself a +point on each of the days you went, and a -point on the days you stayed home and ate doughnuts. Personal monitoring motivates, but when you publically put your points on the board, even if others don't know what they represent, it puts your motivation on steroids. So I dare you to use Points For Progress for a month. Guarantee: After 30 days of using this system, if you are not truly pleased with your improvement, you can have your old life back. 

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