Friday, May 29, 2015
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
He who hates correction is stupid. Prov.12:1
Many serious car crashed occur because of blind spots. Many wrecks in relationships happen also because of blind spots. We all have blinds spots. Let me give you a physical example of a blind spot I have. When I look in a mirror (it's getting to be more and more depressing:), I can't see the big bald spot on the back of my head. Thus, it's easy to forget it's there. However, others can see it from afar.
It's bad enough that we have blind spots. What's worse is when we deny they are there. "What do you mean I'm stubborn and argumentative!!! I don't have a problem. You're the one with the problem!" Okay, to be fair, if someone says you're a jackass, ignore the jerk. If another person says such, they might be conspiring against you, right? But if three people call you such, you might need to buy a saddle. Perhaps God is trying to get through to you. "Do not be like the horse or mule, which have no understanding" Ps.32:9. The fool is stubborn like a mule.
Because you and I have blind spots, we need others to "speak the truth in love" into our lives. We are to use God's word to "correct, rebuke and encourage- with great patience and careful instruction" 2 Tim.4:2. Now don't dub yourself the duke of rebuke. But do build bridges of love strong enough to bear the weight of truth to bring into another person's life. Giving correction can be life changing. Failing to give it can be disastrous. David was a man after God's own heart, but he failed to correct his kids, resulting in much death and devastation (2 Sam.11-20).
So how can we overcome our blind spots since we can't see them? It's simple- receive feedback from others. I didn't say it was easy, and I'm not saying that you have to accept what is shared as gospel truth. But thank the person for the courage to share with you and prayerfully think it over. Maybe even run it by someone else. Older men, offering such correction with encouragement is a priceless ministry that you can have, especially with younger men. Speak wise words into their lives. This is what the father in Proverbs has been doing. "The corrections of discipline are the way of life" 6:23.
Are you open to correction? I hope so. "He who hates correction is stupid" Prov.12:1. Here are a couple responses that may reveal if a man may be stubborn like a mule to correction- "Who are you to tell me that?" "Okay, now it's my turn to tell you your faults, Mr. holier than thou!" Woe Nelly. Buy that boy a saddle!
Do you give me and others in M3 permission to lovingly note blind spots or areas you may need to work on? That's a good question to ask your kids as well. Yes, I invite you to speak the truth in love into my blind spots and areas of weakness also. I need you. Come to think of it, if a guy can't take correction or input in M3, he's in the wrong group. He needs to join a T-ball team. They will cheer for him no matter how bad he is at bat:)
1.-Share a time from your past when someone had the guts to speak the truth into your life. How did you respond to it at the time?
2.-Read through Prov.15:1-15 and pick one verse or phrase that grabs you. It may even correct you. (You'll note verses on correction appear three times in today's passage.) Write it on your MP3 card and look for opportunities to share it with others.
In honor of our topic of correction and mom's that have to give so much of it, I hope you and the mom in your life will have a good laugh with the following video.
3.-(Optional: Juslemeknow if'n ya liked the video. Note: Such humorous videos are good to send to your unsaved friends. Humor breaks the ice, warms hearts, and strengthens relationships. Such videos also open receptivity to evangelistic videos you may want to send later.
Don't stay in the closet of close-mindedness.
Open your mind to the palace of possibilities.
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Tues.5.26.15...Prov.14:19-35...Four Letter Words
Four Letter Words
You've been invited to give the commencement address at the high school you attended (well, most of the time you and I attended). You've worked hard on your speech and have selected a topic that you know is vitally important to help the students succeed in life. But you also know it's not a popular one. To catch their attention you plan your speech to begin with some ear catching quotes.
I would like to begin using two four letter words. I know they will not sound pleasant to some of your ears, but it is vital that you hear them and use them often if you are ever going to succeed in life.
Those two four letter words are "Hard Work!"
Legendary football coach Vince Lombardi said, “The dictionary is the only place that success comes before work. Work is the key to success, and hard work can help you accomplish anything.”
Prolific inventor, Thomas Edison stated, “The three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are, first, hard work; second, stick-to-itiveness; third, common sense.”
President Thomas Jefferson declared, “I'm a greater believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.”
And the great artist and sculpture, Michaelangelo said, “If people knew how hard I had to work to gain my mastery, it would not seem so wonderful at all.”
Success in life includes hard work, not necessarily hard physical work, but time consuming effort.
1.-I agree, your speech writing is off to a great start, but now you need to flesh it out with a story. So write about a guy you've worked with that didn't have a good work ethic or about one that had a great, hard work ethic and what resulted.
A lot of success in life is about mind over mattress. The hardest work is often just getting up early day after day, year after year. Many of you men in M3 have been dong that for decades and I highly commend you for such. That is one of the building blocks for being a manly man, being unstoppable. Those of you who are applying that same hard work ethic in your spiritual life in M3 are already making a great impact. It shows on the GREAT scoreboard. Far better, it shows before our Father's throne. Let us live to hear him say, "Well done!" Those are two four letter words I long to hear.
2.-After reading through Prov.14:19-35, pick one verse or phrase and write it on your MP3 card. Then look for opportunities to enrich others with it.
AnnouncementsI want to give you a high 5 for scoring 5 or more points each day. Way to go! And thanks for posting your points on the board.
Please remember that when you put points on the board for Monday, it really is all that you did for the weekend.
Monday, May 25, 2015
Mon.5.25.15...Prov.14:1-18 Go for an Abundant Harvest
Happy Memorial Day!
It's graduation season. My son goes to the Agricultural School of Science. Imagine if a farmer gave the commencement address. Here's a rich, but head scratching piece of advice from his speech. "Where there are no oxen, the manger is empty, but from the strength of an ox comes an abundant harvest." Say what? That wisdom is within our passage today- Proverbs 14:1-18. But what does it mean? Why would experts on personal development say that it contains one of the greatest pieces of advice you could give to people? Let's break open that verse (14:4) a phrase at a time to discover its riches.
Where there are no oxen, the manger is empty.
If it wasn't for the fact that Jesus was laid in a manger, we might not even have a clue what a manger is. But we know it was a feeding trough for animals. So if there are no oxen there is no need to fill the manger with food. "Great, less work!" says the shortsighted, unambitious man. "Besides" he thinks, "I know if I feed that dumb ox, I'll just have to clean up after it." He would much rather plop down in front of the TV than clean up it's plop." I get that. But who's the dumb ox? Consider the rest of the verse-
but from the strength of an ox comes an abundant harvest."
If the man would invest in feeding his ox, he could have an abundant harvest. Sadly, most people are shortsighted. They don't invest in feeding their minds, developing their skills and striving for an abundant harvest with their lives. They would rather take it easy. I don't like those parting words people say, "Take it easy." That is not the advice we should be giving each other. The farmer who said to himself, "Take life easy, eat drink and be merry," God called a fool! (Luke 12:19). We should be encouraging each other to advance the kingdom, not to take it easy. Next time a believer says to you, "Take it easy" you might surprise him and say, "Take it by force!" Why? Jesus said, "The kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing and forceful men take it by force" Mt.11:12. We are warriors striving to forcefully advance God's kingdom. An easy life is not what Christ has called us to. We are in a war. Fight! Attack! Press the battle. Our King and His kingdom are worthy of such.
So graduates and men of M3, seek an abundant harvest. You have the opportunity before you to sow and reap a great harvest, but you must sow. "Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly reaps sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously" 2 Cor.9:6. That's known as the law of the harvest. So if you want an abundant harvest, sow bountifully. Don't settle for less. Strive for more, for God's glory and your honor. He is eager to bestow honors on His multiplying servants. The honors we bestow in M3 are just a pale reminder of that.
Start seeing the opportunities all around you. Jesus lovingly chided his disciples who had come back from a Samaritan village without seeing the harvest opportunities of souls all around them."I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest." Men, we need to open our eyes. There are men all around you at church every Sunday, at Bible studies and on church softball teams that could be part of your abundant harvest. They are there at the altar every Sunday wanting to pray with someone to help them go to the next level spiritually. There's a harvest to reap! Please come to the front at the altar call. If you're new to praying with people there, just come up by me. I'm looking for M3 men to introduce these God seeking brothers to. Please don't first go to the lobby; go to the front. We are in a war. Go to the front. The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Seek an abundant harvest, so seek to enrich and enlist many to become multiplying manly men. Swap phone numbers and email addresses with men you talk with. Then sow follow up seeds- email them within the next 24 hours the M3 stories video ( or other enriching info. Then follow up with a phone call. Wouldn't you do that if you really wanted to buy someone's car or house? This is so much more important. This is changing people's lives and advancing God's kingdom and giving you an abundant harvest. I have a special category in my phone contacts for such priority men I meet. I go over that list often and send them texts, video links or give them calls from time to time. I also have a category for all of my M3 brothers. Please do the same. Thanks!
M3 is about helping you have an abundant harvest, a great legacy of many descendants in your spiritual family tree. But you have to make this your ambition, your pursuit. So go to church to fish for men with your fishing glasses on. (The following 1 minute video is about trust, but it well illustrates what I'm talking about. Just click the following link- See the fish!)
The congregation is full of fish! Are you seeing them and seeking to catch them for Christ and His kingdom purposes? Jesus said, "Follow me and I will make you fishers of men" Mt.4:19. Someone once quipped, If you're not fishing, your not following." Let's go fishing! Make it your goal to talk to at least one other man each Sunday about his interest in growing further. Perhaps you could simply ask, "Have you gotten one of these?" Then give him an M3 card. See me Sunday at the altar for more of these cards that have our stories and website links on them.
There are men who may not be as smart as others (they might call themselves a dumb ox, as in our proverb), but they put to shame the scholars who aren't reaching anyone. As it's been said, "An ordinary man using an an effective strategy outperforms a genius without such. He may be a dumb ox, but he can plow. He is unstoppable week in and week out in talking to people. So don't leave church without talking to at least one man about M3 or at least getting his contact info. Be unstoppable in this area as well. You will be so glad you did. An abundant harvest awaits you!
1.-To help you attain an abundant harvest, will you join me in seeking to talk with one or more men each week over the summer about growing spiritually? Swap contact info. If you have cards on you, then you could simply start by saying, "Have you gotten one of these M3 cards?" If he says, "No" share a bit how it has helped you and swap phone numbers and follow up with him. If he says, "Yes" encourage him to join. Also share how its helped you. Teamwork makes the dream work. Let's use the R column on the GREAT scoreboard to also include the points for the people you sought to Recruit.
2.-Read through Prov.14:1-18 and pick out one verse or phrase that grabs your attention and share it with us as well and put it on your MP3 card.
I commend you for committing yourself to seek to score 5 points or more each day. You are giving yourself to GREAT things!
Speaking of the scoreboard, I want thank Sam for helping restore the Scoreboard yesterday. Someone's smart phone had accidentally erased all of lasts week's entries. (Yes, we know who you are:) So some of you who posted scores Friday may not see all your points on the board. I apologize for this. Thus, to be fair, I won't post scores for last week. But do expect to see your week's total points up next Monday. So strive for 5 points a day and faithfully post your points daily. Thanks!
Congratulations! Here is the list of all of you who blogged every day last week- and almost all of you did- Alex, Andre, Antonio, Armando, Chuy, Dave D, Dave H, Ed L, Eddie M, Flo, Gary, George D, George R, Israel, Jack, Mike, Osiris, Ricardo, Robert, Roger, Sam and Vince.
Friday, May 22, 2015
Fri. 5.22.15...Prov.13:13-25
What's the second best piece of advice you would give a young person?
I know you would first counsel him to nurture his relationship with the Lord. But what would be your second best piece of advice? In other words, what would be the most important thing you could suggest that would determine his future success or failure? I believe it's found within today's passage, so please carefully read through Proverbs 13:13-25. What do you think it is?
I'm not a prophet, but I think I could do a pretty good job of predicting a person's future. If I could be a fly on the wall (err, if I could bug the place where he hangs out), and could see what kind of friends he hangs out with, I think you and I both could predict the future of that person, if God didn't intervene. When I worked with inner city teens in Humboldt Park, I heard stories of guys getting shot and their mothers wailing. "He was a good boy! He wasn't no gang-banger." No mam, he wasn't in a gang. He just hung out with them, dressed like them, talked like them and represented like them. But he wan't a gang member." To quote Prov.13:20b-"a companion of fools suffers harm."
So what's the second best piece of advice you could give a person, young or old, if he wants to grow and succeed in life? Here's mine. Devote yourself to friends who are ahead of you on the path of where you want to get to in life. Proverbs 13:20a puts it succinctly- "He who walks with the wise grows wise."
Charlie Tremendous Jones was an enthusiastic Christian leader who spoke and wrote on on personal development. He also predicted people's futures. He said that five years from now you will be much the same unless you read life changing material and spend time with people better than yourself. Social researcher, David McClelland of Harvard University said, “The people with whom you choose to associate is more important in determining your success or failure than any other single factor.” Wow! You can't afford to spend time with losers or loafers, if you want to be a winner. Put another way, "If you want to soar with eagles, don't hang out with turkeys."
"A righteous man is cautious in friendship" Prov.12:28. So some people you might need to disassociate from entirely. Others you'll need to limit your association with. You may have to work with some negative or carnal people, but don't spend your lunch breaks with them. Finally, others you ought to strive to expand your associations with. These are the people you admire and want to be more like. For example, if you want to succeed in business, ask a successful businessman out to lunch and come prepared with good questions to ask. Also ask how you could help him. You've heard it said, "It's not what you know, but who you know." But that's not really true. It's who you know and how much they like you. So be friendly and helpful. Those people will open doors for you. And by all means, if they give you good advice, put it into practice. Don't you dare go back for another mentoring meeting without acting on their input. They will quickly tire of you. It's also been stated that if you want to excel, join a team where the morale and the expectations are high (sounds like M3 to me:). That way you will be challenged and helped to climb higher than you ever could on your own.
So evaluate your current associations. Who do you need to cut yourself free from? They would pull you down if they were to climb with you. I'm glad you've sought to be light to those in darkness, but if you can't change your friends, change your friends.
Who would you like to get to know better who knows the ropes? I know some GREAT men of God in M3, who I'm sure, would be honored if you would ask to spend time with them and discuss things on your mind. Offer to buy them "coffee" or to take a walk together. "He who walks with the wise grows wise."
1.-Share now, as if you were talking with a young person, about the person or group that has had the biggest influence for good in your life and how so?
2.-He who walks with the wise grows wise. I believe you are such, and in such a wise group. He who wins souls to this GREAT way is also wise. So who will you be seeking to "win" or recruit to M3? By activating them, they will become your lasting legacy. You will also help them to climb so much higher than they ever dreamed they could. Those who walk with the wise become wise.
3.-Write on your MP3 card a verse or phrase that grabbed your attention from our reading today in Prov.13:13-25. Then seek to share it with others. According to Jesus, those who practice and share God's word are great in God's kingdom. You are doing GREAT things, especially as you multiply your life into others you recruit.
Congratulations to Vince and his wife on the birth of their healthy, 7lb. boy, Caleb at 4AM yesterday morning! Caleb has got a great dad to raise him in the ways of the Lord.
You won't want to miss Monday's blog! Glad most of you will have some free time being Memorial Day. My family and I will be in Michigan, but I look forward to still being with you on the blog that day.
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Wed.5.20.15...Prov.12:15-28...Lying & Ignoring Repair Attempts
Read through Prov.12:15-28 and you’ll see there is much to choose to write on. Did you notice that four times the issue of lying, deceit and a false witness are mentioned?
One of my problems in high school was that I was a liar and didn’t even realize it. It was second nature to me. I guess I could have blamed my father. Jesus said, “You belong to your father, the devil and you want to carry out your father’s desire…When he lies he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies” John 8:44. But now that we have a new nature in Christ, lying is to be put off like an ugly, infested garment. “Therefore, each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor, for we are all members of one another” Eph.4:25. One little boy was asked by his Sunday school teacher what he thought of lying. He put a couple thoughts together including a verse from Ps.46:1, which he wrongly remembered and declared, “Lying is an abomination unto God and an ever present help in trouble.” It’s when we are in trouble that we are yet tempted to twist the truth, distort the facts and cloud over our commitments. Yet the very core of our spiritual development is “speaking the truth in love” Eph.4:15. Lord, help us to be like you. No deceit was found in your mouth. You are the truth incarnate. Help us to be honest when a brother asks us a heart searching question. And help us to have the courage to ask the tough questions and to speak the truth with love into others lives. Our children and young people need that and so do we.
Here’s another people skills verse that struck me- “Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing” Prov.12:18. Let’s apply that to marriage disputes. Studies have proven what you may already know from experience- women are more apt to blow a situation out of proportion. They tend to overreact and may quickly say critical things in an argument such as- “You always” or “You never.” “You always forget what I ask you to do. You’re never going to change. You’re so selfish.” That’s just not true and that’s enough to derail the original issue. It also may start to make your blood boil. Well, not exactly boil, but your blood-pressure and heart rate accelerate. Men’s go up quicker than women’s do in an argument. At a certain level, it’s impossible to talk rationally. A man's body is revved up for a fight. He needs to take that 30 minute time out. Without it, if his wife starts to make a repair attempt* it will be nearly impossible for him to receive it. Sadly, the beast in him has been aroused and he would rather seek revenge than reconciliation at that point. This is when you don’t want to be a police officer called to a domestic dispute. By the time you get there, rage rules. Handcuffs and a paddy wagon ride are the only way a time out may happen.
*A repair attempt is when a person seeks to repair the ruptured relationship. Your wife might say, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that. I don’t want to fight with you.” (Women are more often the one’s to first seek to cool down a situation.) Or she might seek to validate you or your point, crack a smile, or kindly touch you. If you’re too upset to receive her olive branch for peace at that point, just nod and take a time out. Do not use that as an opportunity to attack while she has dropped her defenses. Round two will definitely be far worse than round one. “Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.” So here's my guarantee- If you will take that 30 minute time out when things start to heat up, you will never have an ugly fight again. Try it, you'll like it. Make sure to explain this practice to your wife ahead of time. Also both of you agree to honor it whoever calls the time out.
1.-Now it’s your turn. Read through Prov.12:15-28 and share a verse that grabs your attention. Then share it as if you were mentoring a young man. If you’ve got a story, good or bad, from your past that illustrates it, all the better. (Again, feel free to use verses from today, if that’s what strikes you as well.)
2.-Write down on your MP3 the verse or phrase you picked. Be on the look-out for people to share it with, and perhaps your good story from above.
Hope you like the new modifications to the GREAT scoreboard. As always, feel free to make suggestions for improvement to it and anything. And as in marriage, if there is ever anything that is frustrating you, don't bottle it up. Let's talk about it. Udabest!
Hope you like the new modifications to the GREAT scoreboard. As always, feel free to make suggestions for improvement to it and anything. And as in marriage, if there is ever anything that is frustrating you, don't bottle it up. Let's talk about it. Udabest!
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Monday, May 18, 2015
Mon.5.18.15...Prov.11:16-31...These are the Things You Don't Say to Your Wife /TREAT Your Wife with Love
A Kind Man Benefits Himself
Today's passage from Proverbs 11:16-31 reveals an upbeat theme of kindness. This is such an important people skill. By the way, when we are talking about people skills, we are talking about relationship skills or love. Those who get low marks in people skills rank low in love and it shows in their relationships. It's hard for them to make and keep good friends. They tend to be too self centered, not others oriented. And being others oriented is just another way of saying, "love." And think about it; the way God made us is to be others oriented. For example, in the physical realm, our eyes are designed to look outwardly upon others. It takes a mirror for me to focus on myself. Yet because of the fall, in the psychological realm, we are prone to be critical, envious or lustful of those we look upon. We also tend to focus inordinately upon ourselves. This is the opposite of love. In love, Jesus came to serve and rescue us. Listen to his own words, "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many" Mark 10:45. Thank You Lord Jesus for loving us. Help us to do the same. Yes, if we are truly grateful for Christ's rescuing and serving love, we will want to do the same. But what does love look like? How could we break it down into crucial qualities? The great love chapter, 1 Cor.13, does that. Look at just the first two Christlike qualities- "Love is patient; love is kind." Love is patient; it puts up with the faults and foibles of others. Love is kind. It's been said, "If you're not the kind, kind, you're the wrong kind." Kindness is a great people skill and we see it emphasized in our portion of Proverbs today-
A kindhearted woman gains respect. 11:16
A kind man benefits himself. 11:17
A kind man benefits himself. Really? Yes, really. As if some men might need more convincing, v.25 says, "he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed." Could this be true even in our marriages? Yes, indeed! Paul wrote, "he who loves his wife, loves himself." Eph.5:28. That might surprise many people that the Bible at times seeks to motivate us to lovingly obey for our own good. Yet repeatedly the Bible exhorts obedience "that it may go well with you." This may sound so self-centered. But our Father does want things to go well for us. That's what Proverbs is largely about, trying to spare us from a lot of self-inflicted pain and to then enjoy a blessed life by blessing others. Yes, a kind man benefits himself. Thus, as it's been surprisingly said, "If you really want to be selfish, be selfless." The selfless, others oriented life, brings the most blessings.
So how might this work out in marriage? Let's give a negative example first. The wife says to her husband, "Would you do such and such for me?" To which the husband stupidly says, "Why don't you do it yourself?" Bad response. Result? Bad mood wife. Here's another example of such sowing and reaping...if want to live a long and happy life, these are the things you don't say to your wife. Watch the video and laugh!
Many of us need help in figuring out what spells love to our spouse. I've taken Dr. Gary Chapman's, the 5 Love Languages, and created a memorable acronym regarding how to TREAT your wife according to her love language. So what spells love to your wife?
Time together
Rightly suited gifts (Probably a drill or tread-mill wouldn't spell love to her.)
Encouraging words (Many of you daily share such with team mates. What about emailing your wife such?)
Acts of service (This one is my wife's. Thus, I do dishes often. A fair exchange for being fed:)
Touch (My son is a big hugger and wrestler. But your wife might not like the arm wrestling part.)
1.a-So if you're married, how can you TREAT your wife in such a way that it spells love in her language? List 3 ideas and seek to fulfill them this week. By sharing them, you'll probably give your brothers some good ideas. We will be stimulating one another to love and good deeds. What's in it for you? Happy wife, happy life. "A kind man benefits himself."
1.b-If you're single, list what you think your top two love languages are.
(Notice that this is probably how you like to treat other people. Just be aware that if that is not also their love language, they may not be feeling loved as much as you think.)
2.-Read Prov.11:16-31 and write on your MP3 card any verse or phrase that helps you with your people skills.
(3.-Optional: "A cheerful heart is good medicine" Prov.17:22. Did you get a laugh out of the Tim Hawkins video? Juslemeknow.)
We who wins souls to this way of wisdom in Proverbs is wise (note Prov.11:30). The father figure in the book is certainly wise as he seeks to win and mentor others in the way of wisdom. So glad you're also committed to winning, mentoring and multiplying such manly or wise men. In the New Testament, he who wins souls to the way, the truth and the life is very wise! I'm so happy to see those of you who are telling others of transformation. At our next meeting, I will be giving you outreach cards to a new site that's outta sight! O Lord, help us to multiply many, manly men!
Speaking of our next meeting, it will be Sunday, June 14th at 11:30 in the same room we met in last time- the break room near the men's restroom.
I want to congratulate each and every one of you by name who were unstoppable last week in reading and sharing on the blog-
Alex, Andre, Antonio, Armando, Chuy, Daniel, Dave D, Dave H, Eddie, Gary, George D, George R, Ismael, Jack, James, Mike, Nic, Osiris, Phil, Robert, Roger, Sam and Vince. Fantastic!
I also want to recognize the men who scored 25-49 points last week furthering our GREAT mission- Roger-25; Antonio-29; Phil-31; Ismael-34
Now, I want to honor the men who scored 50 points or more last week furthering our GREAT mission- Eddie-50; Jack-60; Sam-66; and Robert 91!
Thank you men for being devoted to building others up.
"Acknowledge those who work hard among you" 1 Th.5:12
Last but not least, I want to welcome a new brother to the team, who is not new to me. He is one of the first guys I got to meet and minister to when I started as the young adults pastor at the church in 1988. He introduced me to several of his lost friends, and he has brought many people to church over the years. Welcome Flo Juarez!
Friday, May 15, 2015
People Skills
Today's reading: Please read Prov.11:1-15 and note a verse that really grabs your attention.
Here's the verse that got me thinking. When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom. Prov.11:2
Let me counsel you married men- don't put up with any hint of lack of devotion from your wife. You deserve the best. And how dare she ever say anything negative about you. So assassinate her character if she starts to shoot at you. Be a faultfinder, not a good finder to get her to improve. Don't focus on fixing the problem; fix the blame on your spouse. Get historical and prophetic. What I mean by this is- say things like, "You've always been this way and you're never going to change!" By the way, make sure when you argue to always use, "You always" and "You never" (Demon's note: It's sure to escalate their arguments and sidetrack them from ever solving the real problem.) You deserve better than this. Just think (often) how much better you would be with someone else. (Demon's note: Seek to get them to spend their mental energy dreaming of escaping or avoiding their spouse, rather than improving their marriage.) Use any insecurities, fears, physical imperfections or struggles your spouse has confided in you as future weapons to get even. Blast from the past. Keep plenty of ammo in mind to fire at her the next time your spouse dares to disrespect you.
Should your spouse show any form of resistance, retaliate with sarcasm or other forms of contempt- roll your eyes, mock her words or gestures, make little sounds of disgust, give demeaning facial gestures. Drop the "divorce" word bomb whenever resistance mounts. Or say other similar things such as, "I never should have married you!" or "I don't know why I stay with you!" She has failed to measure up, so intimidate, don't validate your spouse. Then show your subtle contempt for her by devoting your time and attention to other things. (Demon's note: This will slowly but surely starve their marriage and multiply their misery.) Whatever you do, don't make sacrifices for your spouse, because they don't deserve it. (Demon's note: Don't let them discover that the less dedication, the less satisfaction and happiness they will have in marriage. Keep them focused on how much more they have done than their spouse. Love is others oriented, not self centered, but you must never let them focus on love and the love they are to reflect of our enemy, their Savior.)
Next, make sure to defend yourself. It's such a subtle, but great way of putting the blame back on your spouse. Never really pause and listen to her feelings and frustrations. Never seek to reconcile. Always seek to prove you're right. Rehearse and nurse defensive thoughts, such as "I don't deserve this." (Demon's note: Defensiveness will help them sink their own marriage, but they will feel justified that is was their wife's fault. They will never see that their own defensiveness torpedoed their marriage. Pride is such a great weapon!)
1.-If you're married, please share as if you were seeking to help an engaged man regarding conflict in marriage. It's going to come. But what have you found that has helped or hurt when you and your wife have had conflict? (If you're single, what have you found that has helped or hurt when you had conflict with a friend or family member?)
2.-Copy down on your MP3 card, When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom. Prov.11:2
I'm happy to introduce our newest M3 member, Marcos Rico! Marcos has been attending New Life for about 4 years now and actively involved. We welcome you Marcos and look forward to your great future of growth and multiply manly men. I also want to commend Gary who first began talking to Marcos a few months ago. And George also encouraged Marcos to join. Way to go men!
Several of you have shared some powerful stories from your life and given great advice to others. Would you like to help write a blog based on a portion in Proverbs? If so, just contact me for more info. Thanks!
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
People Skills
I have a beef with our schools. One of the most basic skills is not taught. Yet students will need this skill no matter what job they take. It's people skills. Thankfully Proverbs is full of such. We are beginning a new section of the book, chapters 10-31, and these chapters are full of wise maxims on life. Many focus on character- what you're like even when no one is around. But many others are about caring relationships (aka love or people skills)- what you're like when others are around. Both are essential for success in life. I want to focus especially on people skills as we work our way through the rest of Proverbs. Don't you wish courses on people skills would have been required when you were in school and for students today? Think how much better off our friendships, work relationships and marriages would be with a good grounding in successful people skills. Years ago I even gave a talk on this subject from the book of Proverbs entitled, "How to Bring out the Best, Not the Beast in People" It's in the Resources section in the upper right corner of our blog. (Yes, you get Brownie points with me if you listen to it. Juslemeknow:)
Read Proverbs 10:1-15 now and look for a verse or phrase to share that resonates with you on people skills.
Here's my pick-"Hatred stirs up dissension, but love covers over all wrongs" 10:12.
Hatred is a strong word. Hopefully most of us aren't feeling hatred toward our spouses. That can lead to murder. Then again, some of the most godly people have felt such. The late Ruth Graham was once asked if she ever felt like divorcing Billy. With quick wit she said, "Divorce, no. Murder yes!" I share that because I want you to breath a sigh of relief. Even really great marriages have hard feelings within them at times. The late, great Charlie Shedd shared that he and his wife Martha, of over 40 years, had a great marriage. It was rare that they had conflict. But when they did, they could be intense. He shared after one ugly argument, he came down to the kitchen the next morning to find a note which read,
So what do we do with our angry emotions? Great question which we will deal with tomorrow. But first and foremost, we must practice forgiveness. "Love covers over all wrongs." Could you make a list of things your spouse has done to deeply hurt you? So could I, and I've been tempted to write them down for future ammo! But "love covers over all wrongs." We are not asked to forget such wrongs. "Forgive and forget" is not found in the Bible. But "forgive" is. It's very damaging, as you may have regretfully discovered, to go back and expose or uncover your spouse's past wrongs. (But love covers over all wrongs.) We certainly wouldn't want our spouse, friends or God to do this to us. When I have so wanted to throw my wife's past wounding ways in her face, I'm often reminded of God's great forgiveness of me. "forgive...even as in Christ, God has forgiven you" Eph.4:32. "Love covers over all wrongs." Next to that phrase in Prov.10:12, I wrote these words in my Bible, "So love as Christ has loved you." O help us to do the same for others Lord. Fill us and flow through us, for we confess, that we don't have the strength to forgive and love like that. We need You!
1.-So what verse or phrase did you pick from Prov.10:1-15? Write that on your MP3 card and then write it out for us. (It could even be "Love covers over all wrongs."10:12.)
2.-Now imagine that you are mentoring a young man. Ideally share about a time that you either failed or fortunately succeeded in practicing the verse you picked for your MP3. Such personal stories really bring truths home to the heart.
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Tues.5.12.15 Which Invitation Will You Accept?
Two Gala Events...Which Invitation Will You Accept?
It's the event of the year, the talk of the town. Lot's of invitations have been sent out and you got one! But Ugh! It's on the same night as another gala event you had been invited to. Both hosts really want you to come. And both promise plenty of great food and drink. And both invites are hosted by a key person there who could really open up life changing doors for your future. Which should you choose? Read Proverbs 9 now and choose wisely.
The woman of wisdom offers life and the woman of folly leads to death. These two parties hosted by these two women remind us also to choose our company wisely. Paul said, "Do no be deceived, bad company corrupts good morals." 1 Cor.15:33. Proverbs hammers this truth home as well- "He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm" 13:20.
I know a turning point in my life in high school hinged on the friends I chose, the parties or get togethers I went to. My freshman year, I went to a Bible study. It was eye opening and convicting! I realized I was a sinner. But I chose instead to dump that group of squares for new buddies I made at my after school job. They were in to getting high and that attracted me a lot more. For the next three years I was a pot-head, until my band of buddies broke up. Then I was very lonely and depressed. It was during my first year in college that God broke me and brought me truly to Himself. Then I ended up with new and far better friends. What about your friends?
1.-Proverbs is a book of mentoring. Likewise, we are creating our own book of mentoring in a way. So share with a youth how the friends you chose helped or hurt you. What advice would you pass on?
2.-Pick a verse or phrase from Prov.9 that impresses you and put it on your MP3 card. Please enrich us with it as well and then look for others to enrich.
The woman of wisdom gave this wise exhortation- "Leave your simple ways and live." 9:6. Such simple ways are sinful ways. The wages of sin is death. Sin always brings death. Death literally means "separation." It separates us from a right relationship with God, others and even ourselves. We become alienated, cut off, disconnected from true life. Yesterday, I asked who wanted to become a part of a special forces group to fight together against pornography that the woman of folly uses to bring men down to death. I commend those of you who responded positively. So here's the simple but powerful strategy to use-
Whatever evil behavior you need to rid yourself of, including pornography, or whatever good behavior you want to nurture, use the Points For Progress strategy we introduced last Friday. I'm living proof it works! I've been a long time Diet Mt. Dew drinker. But over the last few months, I felt like I had become a Dew-aholic. Lately, lack of sleep only increased my "need" for it and reasons for satisfying my craving for it. Drinking it had even become a bonding ritual for my son and me, stopping at Speedway on the way to taking him to school. Thursday night I was up three hours past my bedtime and the alarm went off early in the morning. If ever there was a good day for my fix it was Friday. But that was the day we introduced Points For Progress. I soon had three opportunities for my caffeine jolt, including one from hospitable customers I met with as I yawned in front of them. But I'm happy to say that I went all day without it and all weekend. I even told my wife and son about my new points strategy. He wasn't thrilled and soon got a 12 pack of his own. One went with him in the car ride to school this morning. But I'm still Dew free. It's been a decision I've needed to make, but have been putting off. But how can I now expect others who are struggling with far greater strongholds, to take big, bold steps if I am not willing to take this small step?
Speaking of strongholds, I appreciate Phil's gut honesty Friday on the blog admitting that he struggles with online pornography. He also asked for accountability. This is what I then commented back to him on the blog, which may have already read there. Thanks for sharing more with me here Phil and thanks for asking us to hold you accountable. We will. So starting today, start using the Points For Progress strategy. The beauty of it is that it doesn't depend on your emotions. You admitted that you don't have the desire to change. Sin corrupts our desires as well. Obviously God wants you to change and that is reason enough. The One who died for such wickedness tells you to deal drastically with it- "If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out" Mt.5:29. And that He said about dealing with lusting. You are right, your wife would also be devastated if she found out about this. And your beautiful children need a dad free from this vile stuff as well. That is why we will deal strongly with this, especially since you asked for accountability. So put down your Points For Progress daily and of course watch the above video. (The video on Friday was about overcoming pornography.) We will be praying for you and asking you daily how you're doing. Also send me a daily email of your victories and valleys. We will together come up with rewards or consequences if you don't do so. I will text you now about such, so you don't miss what I've written. You have come too far for the enemy to trap you here. God and M3 have great visions for your future, so this has to be conquered. You will. We are a team and expect you to conquer as the manly man He is all the more making you to be. Be wise and choose to hate by an act of your will what sin loves. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. So start declaring, "I choose to hate this" and name reasons why. Write these on an MP3 card or such as well as verses you find that empower you. Review it daily. Attack! Fight! Win!
So please keep Phil in your prayers and keep an eye out for his progress on the scoreboard to encourage him. He is such a great encourager. It's our turn to encourage him all the more. But Phil is not the only one who confessed to struggling with porn. So we are forming a new special forces group that will help each other in this battle. Each of you will have buddies who will pray for you and help you. "Therefore, confess you sins to each other and pray for each other that you may be healed." James 5:16. Here are the men, in alphabetical order, who volunteered to be in this Special Forces group- Eddie, Gary, James, Phil, Vince. Also each of you men please start keeping track of your scores via Points For Progress. Each day give yourself a +point every time you felt tempted but refused. Give yourself a -point if you fall. Remember, the points go in the columns past the GREAT columns totals on our scoreboard.
If in your Fire Team, please give him a word of encouragement, since he was MIA yesterday.
Monday, May 11, 2015
Mon.5.11.15...Who Do You Love?
Two women want you! They are both vying for your love. In Proverbs 7, the wayward woman did her very best to lure you into her embrace. But her love was only skin deep. She was a pawn of your greatest enemy who is out to destroy your life. Today in Proverbs 8, the woman of wisdom does her best to win your love and devotion. Sad to say, a lot of men turn her down. They are content to love their little pleasures and routines. They would never go out of their way to follow the Lord of wisdom and His ways. But God, in His love and wisdom, is so persistent, even toward the simple and foolish. 8:4-5.
Wisdom's speech in Prov.8 reveals that she is one amazing woman, worthy of pursuing.
And it's as if she is inviting loving suitors. She loves and greatly blesses those who will devotedly love her. "For wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her." 8:11
Her family background and work experiences are amazing! 8:22-31.
She is remarkable in so many ways! 8:14-16.
But you do need to share her values for this relationship to work. "I hate pride and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech." 8:13.
She wants to be cherished and pursued. "I love those who love me and those who seek me find me." 8:17. "For whoever finds me finds life and receives favor from the Lord" 8:35
I'm so glad that you prize and seek out her love and wisdom each day. "Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway." 8:34. Some of you get up very early to meet with the Lord and take in his words of wisdom. Others of you stay up late to do so. You are proving your love and putting God and his word as your top priority, even if it is to the point of "No scripture, no sleep." (What great stories many of you shared last Thursday regarding doing such when it was so hard. How manly!)
1.-Read Proverbs 8 and write as if you were sharing with a teenage son or young protege about how pursuing God and His wisdom has blessed you.
2.-Write on your MP3 card-"I hate pride and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech." Prov.8:13. These are the values and feelings you and I need to share with Wisdom for this relationship to work.
Educate your emotions. Bring them in harmony with God's feelings.
When you catch yourself being puffed up with pride by the enemy, declare- "I hate pride and arrogance!"
When you are being tempted toward sinful actions, including lust and porn, declare, "I hate evil behavior!"
When you are tempted to use foul language, declare, "I hate perverse speech!"
Are you struggling with pornography? Several of you admitted struggling with it presently or in the past. We are warriors and need to fight this onslaught together (James 5:16). So please indicate with a simple Yes or No, if you would want to be a part of a special forces team to battle and conquer pornography in your life. There will be no group meetings. But you will become a highly trained fighting force. An honest desire for help is the first step. No shame, just grace.
3. Yes or No
"Act like men" 1 Cor.16:13. Pastor James McDonald has written a book by that title and hosts conferences by that name. He says that the foundation of acting like men is keeping your word. I agree because God's word stresses this so much. Sadly, a young man whom I have known for over a year and recruited into M3 stopped keeping his word. He didn't blog at all last week and also didn't return several phone calls and texts from me and others. I never guilted him in my messages, but was always upbeat and positive and had even invited him over. Yet nothing. It hurt to be so disrespected when I and others have only sought to help him. So I returned his application in which he had given his word to be in God's word daily with us and to promptly return calls. I don't share this to shame him, but to simply let you know that we are here to help men act like men. Similarly, we don't raise boys to be responsible young men by letting them be irresponsible. If you ever believe that God no longer wants you to be in M3, simply keep you word and call. I will always treat you with friendship when I see you. And if you ever have any questions regarding my leadership in this or other matters, I welcome your call. Thank you for acting like the manly men you are.
I now want to salute those of you who were Unstoppable this past week, and most all of you were. What a joy! Next week I will list each and every one of your names. Remember to blog before the 3:00am cut off to qualify. If an emergency comes up with your internet connection or such, please call me that day regarding it. Thanks!
I also want to honor those of you who scored 25 points or more last week by your encouraging and sharing. Bueno- Israel-26; Dave H.-28; Antonio-28; Vince-32; Andre-33; Guillermo-37; and Ismael-42!
I especially want to honor those who scored over 50 points last week by encouraging and sharing with so many! You are setting such a great example and building up so many! Way to go- Jack-67; Sam-72; Phil-78; Eddie-82; and Robert-106! Wow!
Friday, May 8, 2015
Fri.5.8.15...Do Not Lust In Your Heart for Her Beauty...Prov.6:20-35
Do Not Lust in Your Heart for Her Beauty
Once again, our father figure or mentor in Proverbs brings up a life or death topic- sexual immorality. This time he devotes all of chapter 7 to this vital issue. But as you read it, you'll notice it's not like most of the rest of the book, with its many short maxims. Here, he tells us a story of what he witnessed, to drive his point home. Remember the three ways people learn- the wise learn by explanations. The easily manipulated need to learn by the painful examples of others who didn't heed the explanations. And the stubbornly self-willed of this world must learn by awful experience. This is the school of hard knocks for hard heads. The wise father gives us a bit of all three ways of learning through his story telling here. Read his revealing story now in Prov.7 and be looking for insights to spare us from ruin.
Here are a few of the observations that I want to share and things I want to stress-
The young man went down the street headed for her house. It's as if he set his GPS to take him into the red light district. He was looking for Trouble and he found her. Words to the wise- Don't go down a path you know will lead you into temptation. Steer clear. We are weak and temptation is very strong, so stay away. Assume weakness and stupidity. Heading toward temptation is stupid!
He was in the wrong place at the wrong time- night-time. What a terrible time to let your feet and eyes wander. Night-time- when you aren't sharp and you have idle time, as David did on his rooftop, letting his eyes gaze where they didn't belong. Night-time- what a terrible time to surf the internet, if online pornography is your downfall. What?! The man struggles with online porn, but hasn't installed anti-porn software?! He's playing the fool. And what about his sons in the home? For this reason, we all should guard our homes with such protection as- Covenant Eyes takes their name from Job's words-"I have made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a girl" Job 31:1. We are not to look at them as sex objects, but as ones needing Christ. That's how Jesus dealt with the sexually lose woman who had five husbands before shacking up with a man (John 4).
The wayward woman had "crafty intent" 7:10 This reminds me of the serpent in the garden. Both only had crafty intent to steal, kill and destroy. Both are devilish. How interested would you be if the temptress removed her beautiful mask to reveal a horrible looking demon? Our newest member to M3, my nephew Dave DeBoer, crafted these words- "I will be wary and not tarry when lust gives me an idol to see, knowing it is a demon wanting to have me."
The woman only seemed interested in him. But really he was just the first fool that came into her web. Isn't that the way it is with pornography and prostitution as well? They are getting paid to appear interested in you. These women actually despise men and use them for their selfish ends. They are not the kind that would ever love you and be loyal to you. The woman described in Prov.7 certainly wasn't loyal to her husband. She was a smooth talker, but those who fall for her kind are ensnared, empty, regretful and suffer greatly.
She was dressed like a prostitute- dressed to kill. Bounce your eyes when you see women or magazines and billboards of women immodestly dressed. You are being played- played for a fool.
If you or another brother you know struggle with online porn, I want to recommend the following site-"We Dared" Also, if you struggle with this, here's a helpful video made by Chris White, on how he stopped watching pornography. You'll appreciate his gut honesty. It's almost 20 minutes long, so watch as much of it as time permits now and the rest over the weekend.
Don't battle porn alone! Share with a fellow warrior, such a men in your fire team. Just confessing such secret sins weakens their power. "Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed."James 5:16. New Life even has a couple groups for men seeking victory over sexual addictions. If you are struggling in this area, you know that keeping it a secret hasn't helped. Get help!
This chapter of Proverbs started out as the other portions we've read that warn us of sexual temptation- with an exhortation to be devoted to the Father's word. For if we do not heed the call to embrace God's wisdom, we will fall to the call to embrace Seduction. Take your pick- the way that leads to life or the way that leads to death. "Keep my commands and you will live, guard my teachings as the apple of your eye...write them on the tablet of your heart." 7:2-3. A good place to start is to write them on the tablet, smart phone, or MP3 card of your choice. Then pray and praise those words into your heart and pass them on to others.
1.-Write on your MP3 card and on the tablet of your heart, "I have made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a girl" Job 31:1. This verse may be very convicting at first and then very empowering.
2.-What's something you want to share from all that we've covered today?
Thanks to several of you who very vulnerably shared a couple days ago about your downfall into adultery. Your names will be deleted, but your powerful stories repeated to help many others in the future in M3.
We know the enemy wants to destroy our marriages. That's why we want to offer an upcoming cook-out for our M3 couples and guests, culminating with a great, 30 minute video on The Art of Marriage. More info coming to you soon.
We know the enemy wants to destroy our marriages. That's why we want to offer an upcoming cook-out for our M3 couples and guests, culminating with a great, 30 minute video on The Art of Marriage. More info coming to you soon.
We will have to wage war against the subtle and ruinous enemy, Lust, until the day we die. But maybe someday we won't have to deal with the cyber monster that sometimes devours your thoughtful reflections. Until then, may I highly suggest that before you hit the Publish button, that you simply copy your good work. Then if it gobbles it up, you can simply paste it and publish it again. Blog beast beaten!
It gives me great pleasure to introduce our newest member of M3, my sister's son, Dave DeBoer. Dave has been serving on the pastoral staff at New Life Oak Forest for the past 8 years. He loves the Lord and loves to help people come to Him. You will love him too. (I sure do:) Welcome Dave!
Thanks for getting your points on the board. On Monday I'll be honoring you who have been working hard at sharing scripture and encouraging others. You are doing the work of the ministry!
Speaking of the Scoreboard and our battle against temptation, here's a strategy that has helped many. It's called "Points for Progress." Here's how it works using our Scoreboard. Give yourself +points or -points in the spare daily columns on the scoreboard. Notice that there are two empty ones after the GREAT columns. (No, those haven't been reserved for NSA data gathering:) So let's say, a guy really wants to stop such things as porn or masturbation or eating doughnuts, etc. He gives himself a +plus point every time he resists the urge. That could be several urges and points a day. And he gives himself -minus points whenever he gives in. No, you don't have to title what you're monitoring. But by monitoring your actions, you will see progress. You can also use this system for good behaviors you want to start, maintain or increase, such as going to the gym. If your goal is to go to the gym M,W,F, then give yourself a +point on each of the days you went, and a -point on the days you stayed home and ate doughnuts. Personal monitoring motivates, but when you publically put your points on the board, even if others don't know what they represent, it puts your motivation on steroids. So I dare you to use Points For Progress for a month. Guarantee: After 30 days of using this system, if you are not truly pleased with your improvement, you can have your old life back.
Speaking of the Scoreboard and our battle against temptation, here's a strategy that has helped many. It's called "Points for Progress." Here's how it works using our Scoreboard. Give yourself +points or -points in the spare daily columns on the scoreboard. Notice that there are two empty ones after the GREAT columns. (No, those haven't been reserved for NSA data gathering:) So let's say, a guy really wants to stop such things as porn or masturbation or eating doughnuts, etc. He gives himself a +plus point every time he resists the urge. That could be several urges and points a day. And he gives himself -minus points whenever he gives in. No, you don't have to title what you're monitoring. But by monitoring your actions, you will see progress. You can also use this system for good behaviors you want to start, maintain or increase, such as going to the gym. If your goal is to go to the gym M,W,F, then give yourself a +point on each of the days you went, and a -point on the days you stayed home and ate doughnuts. Personal monitoring motivates, but when you publically put your points on the board, even if others don't know what they represent, it puts your motivation on steroids. So I dare you to use Points For Progress for a month. Guarantee: After 30 days of using this system, if you are not truly pleased with your improvement, you can have your old life back.
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Th.5.7.15...Do Hard Things...Prov.6:1-19
Do Hard Things!
A few years ago two brothers wrote a book called, "Do Hard Things!" That's a surprising title for a culture that craves things to be easy. Many love the slogan- "That was easy!" But what we glory in is never easy. What separates the mere males from manly men is challenge; it's doing hard things. Think about it. What do men glory in? It's the "tough stuff" they endured or the hard things they accomplished. Here are some examples-
The glory of policemen and firemen- their close calls with death.
The glory of iron workers- working high up on a skyscraper.
The glory of construction workers- dealing with incredible cold and hot outdoor conditions.
The glory of many blue collar workers- starting their day so early and long weeks with loads of overtime.
The glory of those in college or taking classes- late nights or all-nighters. studying for tough exams.
The glory of salesmen- enduring lots of rejection and no income because of such.
The glory of an entrepreneur- trying to get their dream to become a reality instead of the current nightmare that it is.
The glory of a husband- being faithful and forgiving even when his wife is having her time of the month or menopausal.
The glory of a dad- all the things he does, on top of everything else, to care for his kids.
What about the glory of Jesus? It included the cross!(John 12:23-33) Jesus is our ultimate example of a manly man. He did the hardest of hard things. Yes, the glory of a man involves doing hard things, not easy things. Read today's passage in Proverbs- 6:1-11. (If time permits, read 6:12-19 as well.)
Psalm 15:4 says that the man who may live close to God must keep his oaths even when it hurts. The man in Prov.6:1-5 is exhorted to resolve his problem even if it he must forego sleep. "Allow no sleep to your eyes, no slumber to your eyelids." This reminds me of the pledge each of us has made, "No scripture, no sleep." We will allow no sleep to our our eyes until we have spent time reading and sharing what we got from God's word. I know that's a sacrifice at times when our day is unusually full and our routine gets blown out of the water. But that is a "glory" opportunity- when we do hard things for God's glory.
1.-For the sake of new men joining M3, share about a time that was hard for you to do something, but your persevered anyway.
2.-Now share about a time that was hard for you to blog and what has helped you to be faithful. Or perhaps share about a time when you didn't blog and what you learned from that. This will help newcomers to learn from you how to be unstoppable.
I will take these stories and put them together for new men as they join us down the road. And the men you enrich and enlist will be your glory as well. Paul said of those he reached, "Indeed, you are our glory and joy!" 1 Th.2:20. So keep up the good work, even if it seems hard. Be faithful to sow seeds in others lives. You will reap, if you don't give up. Do hard things! Be faithful to God and the mission- to multiply manly men. Do hard things! Be like the determined ant we read about in v.6-11. Ants don't need others reminding them what to do. Manly men don't need people calling them up to remind them to be true to their word and God's word. They do hard things. Doing hard things is your manly glory. And if persecution should ever come our way, as it did to Jesus and the apostles, be true to the Lord even unto death. Jesus promised, "Be faithful, even to the point of death and I will give you the crown of life." Rev.2:10. Do hard things. You will never regret it. When it's hard to blog, do it anyway. That is your glory! Anybody can take the easy way out. Do hard things. That is how a manly man of God is made. He keeps his commitments. So you know what to do- Do hard things! (Note: I am not lifting up our Bible blogging as the height of spirituality and manliness. Actually, it is just a basic. If I am not faithful to my word and to God's word, I'll make excuses for anything and everything else that strikes me as hard or inconvenient. Manliness starts and continues by being faithful to God's word and your word. Here's another manly piece of advice-
Eliminate unmanly words from your vocabulary.
Here are a few that I've heard grown men use, which cheapens their character and manliness-
Remind me (Really? Is he such a little boy that he needs someone else to do such for him? He needs to take responsibility for writing it down and doing it.)
You should have reminded me! (How many wives hear this from their husbands? No, it's his responsibility not someone else's if he failed to do it. )
I was really busy. (Me too. Too busy to keep your word? Let me introduce you to some men who are a lot busier, but sacrifice even sleep to be true to the Lord and their word. Do hard things!)
I wasn't able to do it. (Wasn't able, or wasn't determined? The nation you are from will determine your success of failure in life. Are you from the nation of Determination or Procrastination?)
I need you to hold me accountable. (That sounds spiritual, but it's often an excuse for future failure- "I would have succeeded, but you didn't call me up enough to keep me accountable." Instead, tell that man- "Do you want to be held accountable? No problem, you are being held accountable by God. So do what needs to be done. I will encourage you to succeed, but I won't treat you as a weakling because you are a warrior. So man up and fight! Do hard things."
I'll try to get to it. or I tried. Ugh! To quote the wise Jedi Master, Yoda, when Luke Skywalker halfheartedly said he would give it a try- "No. Try not. Do or do not. There is no try." Just how hard did the guy try? I taught my little children, "Try until you triumph!"
I didn't know how to do it. or I couldn't find your phone number. (Really? How hard did the guy look? If he was paid $500 to find it, could he track down the know how or the phone number via mutual friends, the internet, etc.?)
So instead of using such unmanly words, seek to rectify the situation. Perhaps say, "I'm sorry I blew it. What can I do to make it up to you?" Try saying that to your wife with empathy when you've hurt her feelings. It sure beats using weak, unmanly excuses, which only make things worse.
"Be like the determined little ant, it's never lazy, saying, I can't."
Prepare to be impressed by God's amazing little creatures in the following video.
3.-Copy a verse or phrase onto your MP3 card that you liked from our portion in Proverbs 6 and seek to share it with others. (And perhaps share the ant video with your kids or others. Always be on the look out for things you could pass on to enrich others.)
I am very happy to introduce to you a good friend of mine, Ed Lake. Ed holds a Master's degree in Education and has taught for several years overseas. Currently Ed and his family live in Singapore where he teaches. (So thanks to him, M3 is already going global:) Ed is a very careful and deep thinker and a loving brother, so I know you will enjoy having him on the team. We're glad to welcome you on board Ed!
I want to honor each and every one of you as you recruit and multiply manly men. This is our mission and your lasting legacy. Thus, on our GREAT Scoreboard, you'll notice a new column that does just that. Recruiting others is not really a hard thing, but it is a great thing. Way to go and grow God's kingdom. Also thanks for faithfully putting your points on the scoreboard. May I suggest that some of you strive to score at least 25 points a week. You'll notice others are scoring well over 50. Do hard things that will make a GREAT impact in others lives. Bless you!
We now have a new tool to help new men be better oriented to the blog. Andre gave this good suggestion at Sunday's meeting. Now you'll find a "Welcome to M3" button in the upper right corner of our blog, right under the Home and Resources buttons. The article within especially explains about the GREAT scoreboard, earning the Unstoppable award pin, the MP3 cards, and includes tips on writing and publishing one's comments. Hope it helps.
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