Thursday, July 16, 2015

Th.7.16.15...The Mad Scientist...Eccles.2:1-23

"Come now, I will test you with pleasure to find out what is good" Eccles.2:1

Remember the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde? Dr. Jekyll drank a potion that twisted and ruined his life. That's one potion you wouldn't want to drink. 
What if we could find a man who would be willing to drink several different potions for us to find out what would be good or harmful for us? That would save us so much pain and despair. I've got just the man for the job. The wisest man on earth before Christ already did just that for us. Solomon tested on himself various "potions" which supposedly offered fulfillment in life, but they all left him empty and eventually hating life. He tested what the world still offers people today as the way to life- pleasure, wine, women and song (2:3-8). The world also offers honors to those who build great businesses, buildings and fortunes. They are heralded as those who have made it. Solomon had all that and great wisdom too. Like a scientist, he tested all of those "potions." He even tested madness and folly. (He was the original mad scientist:) They may have brought him a temporary high, but when the potion wore off, he hated life. They were all "meaningless, a chasing after the wind." Read most of chapter 2 now, verses 1-23. You will see why this is such a good pre-evangelism book for a lost person to read. Death makes all of those pursuits meaningless. What's the point of any of these "potions," these various ways of life, when death erases one's earthly existence? Solomon nails it- death is the great enemy that makes all that mortal men pursue pointless, meaningless. Just think of the potions that you've tried that promised much, but delivered little. People need to admit that the world's potions only leave them feeling empty. 

1.- Read Eccles.2:1-23 and share a verse from it and some of your thoughts on it.

2.- After so much depressing news that we've read today, it's time for some good news. Please go to our website- and watch a good news video. Share it's title and briefly what it was about. Then be on the look out to give out more of our Greatest Mini-movies cards or send the link to others. (An average of 22 people per day are watching our minimovies!) The world desperately needs what you have to offer- Christ, the one who came to give them and us life, life to the full. 

I really liked what Eddie shared a couple days ago- "I was busy giving cards away this weekend. One of the guys I've been meeting with for a few months now told me that he has been listening to pastor Mark's sermons. He can't go to church at the moment, but it was encouraging to hear he's consistently being connected. I gave him a mini movies card and said here's some movies you can watch as well. Simple, but I jumped on the opportunity since he was/is open." Excellent Eddie!

I am pleased to introduce another new brother joining us. He is a young adult who attends New Life Midway, whom William first invited to join M3. His name is Elijah Hernandez and he is eager to get growing with us. Welcome Elijah!

Since William recruited Elijah and has already earned his Unstoppable award pin, he now graduates from Basic Training (affectionately known as Boot Camp:), and advances from being a Pro to a Coach. Congratulations William! 

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