Friday, July 24, 2015

Fri.7.24.15...Man's Search for Meaning...Eccles.7:15-29

His name was Viktor Fankl, a Jewish psychiatrist, who suffered the horrors of the Auschwitz Nazi concentration camp for three years. Frankl realized he needed to appear willing to work if he was to have any chance for survival, and also have a reason for living beyond the gates of that death camp. He witnessed horrific things and the degrading of humanity. He saw prisoners fight over the little food they were given. Yet he also saw how others gave the last they had to their comrades. He discovered that one's attitude was the one thing the Nazi's could not take away from a man. Frankl was one of the very few who survived. (Only 224 out of the 1.1 million who were put to death in Auschwitz survived to the end of the war.) Later, he wrote about his harrowing experiences in his world famous book, Man's Search for Meaning. But even Frankl couldn't tell you the meaning of life. 

It was a search to try and come up with one's own meaning for existing. He was limited to his observations and speculations, just as Solomon was in his "under the sun" view of life. Solomon saw a lot, and concluded that life was meaningless. Both Solomon and Frankl saw good or righteous people dying tragically, while the wicked managed to live on. Solomon saw people who were legalistic "overrighteous"and "overwise" (7:16; think of the Pharisees), as well as those who were "overwicked" (think of the Nazis and Isis). What he did rightly conclude was that "the man who fears God will avoid all such extremes" 7:18. He also rightly concluded that "there is not a righteous man on earth who does right and never sins" 7:20.. I'm sure Frankl also concluded that based on what he saw. You and I can conclude that as well, just by looking into our own hearts. "You know in your heart that many times you yourself have cursed others" (spoken badly of others) 7:22.

What is the meaning of life? Solomon was determined to find out God's ultimate scheme of things. Like a great research scientist, Solomon said, "I turned my mind to understand, to investigate and to search out wisdom and the scheme of things" (7:25). "Adding one thing to another to discover the scheme of things" (7:27). But despite his determination, he had to admit, "this was beyond me. Whatever (God's ultimate) wisdom may be, it is far off and most profound- who can discover it?" (7:23-24). But he did find some things along the way- "I find more bitter than death the woman who is a snare...(7:26). "I found one upright man among a thousand, but not one upright woman among them all" (7:28). Some have accused Solomon of being down on women. But perhaps he simply needed to expand his sampling data beyond the confines of his huge harem of 700 foreign wives and 300 concubines (see 1 Kings 11:3). Solomon had so many women, yet found that to be empty as well. Playboys need to realize they are on a dead end pursuit chasing sexual encounters (7:26). 

Men are no better than women. Solomon found that too. "God made mankind upright, but men have gone in search of many schemes" 7:29. The Hebrew word here for "schemes" is chishshabon. It's used only one other place in the OT (2 Chron.26:15), and it has the meaning of inventions. Lost man would rather search for and invent their own meaning in life, than follow God's meaning and will for their lives. Want evidence? Vicktor Frankl's book, Man's Search for Meaning has sold over 10 million copies and has been translated in 24 languages. I'm not bashing the book. His tales of concentration camp life and death are gripping. But many people have gone in search of their own meaning, having turned their backs on their Creator, who offers them meaning. Man invents his own meaning for life. It's like buying a dictionary with terms in it, but no definitions. Those are left for each person to invent and fill in. How crazy is that! 

How much better to search through God's book to find the meaning for our existence. One place it's revealed to us is in a story, not set in a concentration camp, but in a wilderness. The devil sought to lead the Son of God astray from the meaning and purpose God had for him and for all of us. He sought to get Jesus to bow down and worship him. But Jesus declared, "Away form me Satan! For it is written, 'Worship the Lord your God and serve him only'" Mt.4:10. There it is! Man's search for meaning is over. What is the meaning of my life- "Worship the Lord your God and serve him only." I am not to search for and invent my our meaning, but to embrace the meaning and purpose God has created and redeemed me for. Thank you Lord, for it is a good, pleasing and perfect will and plan that you have for my life. 

1.- Read Eccles.7:15-29 and pick out a verse or phrase and share it and some of your thoughts about it.

If you search in the Webster's dictionary for the definition of manly, you will find this: "having the qualities generally regarded as those that a man should have..." But once again, that leaves man to search for his own meaning. Instead, based on God's revealed word, I believe the following acronym reflects God's meaning and purpose for our lives. Man's search for meaning is to be MANLY:
Mature in character- for example- Hungry, Obedient, Unstoppable, Strong in the Lord, Encouraging.
Active in mentoring- pursuing G.R.E.A.T. things to help ourselves and others mature and multiply.
Noble in battle- being at W.A.R. to live Worthy lives, to Activate the sidelined saints and to Release the locked up lost.
Loving in relationships- for example, seeking to devotedly love my family
Yoked to Christ and a band of brothers- being devoted to Christ and your fire team, squad and the men of M3 to advance God's kingdom.

Yes, we certainly have reviewed that MANLY acronym before. But do you know it? Our mission is to Multiply MANLY Men. So do you know the meaning of a MANLY man? Could you share it with someone who asked you, "What is a MANLY man?" I use it often as a guide for praying for men we want to recruit and for ourselves. Please try it. I do. 

2.- What's one aspect of our MANLY acronym that you're glad we focus on?

Did you know former fire captain, George Rabiela runs O'Leary's Fire Truck Tours? Here's what he wrote recently. "Took some people out on a tour, but didn't have any business cards, so I gave them a mini movie card with my telephone number on it." Way to go George! Each man in M3 can now have his own sharp looking, personal business cards.

How does the death of Al Capone relate to Ecclesiastes and to us today? We'll discover that together Monday.

Enjoy the weekend and make sure to get all your points on the board for the sake of your team, yourself and even me. And text me if you're joining me for a walk tomorrow (8:00 AM starting at 9541 S. Oakley. Thanx :)

Please send a birthday greeting to Rick Barrera. His big day is tomorrow, but please encourage him today- c.309-242-0843.

Also please send an email to Ed Lake whom we've missed all this week as they are getting settled in to Kazakhstan from 

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