Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Wed.4.29.15...Life Saving Fatherly Advice

If anybody that thinks the Bible is too old to speak to the problems of our day, then it's proof he's never read much of it. For example, Proverbs deals with all kinds of timeless issues because human nature doesn't change. That's why we need to read the book of Proverbs. It speaks to life. I've taken many young men through it. Monday we noted that Proverbs is presented as a father urging wise, skillful living upon his son. 20 times in the first section of the book (ch.1-9), "my son(s)" is used. Right near the beginning of the book, the father directly speaks to his son. Three times in 1:8-19 he says, "my son." It sounds like what he has to say is of utmost importance. So let's read his vital words of advice now in 1:8-19. (Wow! A warning against joining gangs! How up to date!)

I grew up in Michigan, far from any gangs, though I came to Chicago as a youth missionary in gang-banging Humboldt Park. "Whachubeabout?" If you grew up around gangs, maybe your dad or mom warned you to stay away from them. Or maybe not.

1.-My dad was not a man given to giving advice as we see this father doing so often in Proverbs. My dad had his faults, but he also modeled some great traits. Some of you may have grown up with no dad or a very bad dad. But rather than staying bitter, we can choose to forgive and get better. Even the 10 commandments remind us to "honor your father and mother." So what's one thing you could say in honor of your father? You can start by sharing his hurtful faults if that helps. With your permission, I'd like to share your stories with teenage guys that will be joining us down the road. So please write with them in mind.

Many of you have made peace with your past. But you will meet men who have tried to bury their bitterness. It doesn't work. Hopefully you can help such a man forgive those who have painfully wronged him, so he can get free and move forward.  

If it's been a long time since you verbally honored your father, why not seek to pay honor to him this week, if he is still living?  

2.-Write out Prov.1:8 on your MP3 card.

1:9 speaks of honor being bestowed and worn on the obedient son. I look forward on Sunday to bestowing rightful honor on many of you. Be unstoppable!

Young men and old need to be a part of a good gang, a band of brothers. It is not good for man to be alone. Yet so many men are lone strangers. So keep seeking to enrich and enlist others to join our life changing group versus a life taking group. 

Please pray for Roger's wife Julie. She is having surgery today to remove half of her thyroid gland that was found to have a benign nodule on it. Please pray that the surgery will go well and that both Julie and Roger will have peace through this whole process. 

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