Thursday, April 23, 2015

Th.4.23.15...The Islamic Dilemma

What about Islam?

The religion of Islam has certainly gotten a lot of attention, especially since 9/11. As with any religion, there are many beliefs that it teaches- far more than this short blog could cover. So here's a short, respectful presentation dealing with a major dilemma in the Koran. (Finding video clips on Islam that are short, well done, and respectful was much harder than I thought. There are several that are to the contrary.) Let's be clear. Good videos are not going to convert those who are hardened to the truth. But they can help us better understand the truth, and can help those whom God has been softening. So if you have Muslim acquaintances, perhaps this video may help to awaken them to the truth. 

No matter what religion a person may claim, they still need the same gospel. You don't need to become an expert in what they believe, you just need to point them to the truth. So once again, use our same three questions with Muslims you know, when the opportunity arises. 
-What led you to believe that? - to believe in Islam as your religion?
-Would you consider yourself to be a person who wants the truth?
-Then would you please read through the gospel of John and follow the truth wherever it leads you?

Interesting Insight: Just as there are many denominations within Christianity, there are over 70 sects of Islam. That is why you will find Muslims, especially in the U.S., who sincerely believe Islam is a religion of peace. That is what their sect teaches. Yet many others overseas are taught that they must advance Islam by all means possible, including Jihad.  

1.-Read John 1:19-34 and share one thing that stood out to you from that passage and or the video.

2.-Write on your MP3 card, "Look, the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world." John 1:29

In Islam, and for that matter, in all other religions, man must somehow make up for his sins with enough good works. But who knows if one has ever done enough? Such people need to know the lamb of God who takes away their sins. Thank You Lord for doing that for us!

I salute the men of today's fire team- Robert, Vince, Antonio, Guillermo and Lucas. Thanks for watching out for each other and for any MIA from the blog. Thus, please give a word of encouragement to- 

So many of you have been unstoppable. I'm sure your schedule at times was very demanding. But you made time to meet with God, to read and share his word with your brothers. Way to conquer! That is manly of you. Who Ra!

What is our God given mission? To multiply MANLY men. That's why we are making a focused effort to especially enrich men we would like to see join forces with us. Tomorrow, I'm going to ask you to share about whom you are hoping to enlist and what you've shared with him to enrich him. Remember- Enrich then Enlist. Exemplify and Encourage. So if you haven't passed on a video to him recently or something else that enriched you from M3, then please do so today.

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