Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Tues.9.15.15...The Turning Point...John 11:45-57

He came to set the captives free and the oppressed loved him for it. Many claimed him as their great leader. But others opposed him for bringing great division within the land. There were even those that so hated him that they plotted together to kill him. Who am I talking about? Jesus...or...see for yourself.

Isn't it odd how both Lincoln and the Lord Jesus had such similar threads woven within their stories? John Wilkes Booth did not act alone. He was part of a group that plotted the killing of Lincoln. In our reading today, we will listen in on the closed door meeting of the Sanhedrin (:the Council) as they plot to kill Christ Jesus. This is the key turning point in the book. Yes, we've read earlier of other times where people wanted to stone Jesus. For example, after he healed the invalid by the pool. Why? "...the Jews tried all the harder to kill him, not only for breaking the Sabbath, but he was even calling God his own Father, making himself equal with God" John 5:18. They also wanted to stone him after he declared, "Before Abraham was, I am" 8:59.  A few months later, they again picked up stones to stone him when he declared, "I and the Father are one" 10:31. They even tried to seize him, but he escaped their grasp, 10:39. His time had not yet come. But soon the time would come, set by the Father, for Jesus to be given over to death. But it wouldn't come by stoning, the Jewish form of execution. It was prophesied that he would be pierced through for our transgressions (Is.53:5). God directs the affairs of men.

So why is our passage today the turning point of the story? Because it is no longer isolated groups of irate Pharisees that sought to kill the Lord; it is the very religious leaders of the country plotting his death. They were the ones in the know who should have been the first to warmly receive Jesus as their prophesied Messiah. But they united to turn against him (thus, the turning point). He came to his own and his own did not receive him (John 1:11). Amazingly, it is right on the heels of raising Lazarus from the dead that they begin plotting his death. This was the great climactic miracle of miracles, yet they resolutely reject him. "He was despised and rejected by men..." Is.53:3. And why did the Sanhedrin declare their need to plot Jesus' death? Discover for yourself. Read now the turning point of the book, John 11:45-57. 

Here are a few of my observations:
Once again you'll see how John notes the division within the people. Some believed, others did not, but ran like tattle tales to the Pharisees. 11:45-46
The leaders admitted that Jesus was performing miracles, but still opposed him. 11:47.
Note their stated political reason for doing away with Jesus- 11:48. Yet ironically, the Romans came and destroyed their place (temple) anyway in 70 AD. 
Mt.27:18 lets us know their deeper reason for wanting to do away with Jesus- they envied him. They wanted his popularity. Envy wants the position or possessions of another. Jealousy wants the love another is receiving. The Jewish leaders did not jealously want the people's love. They didn't care about the people! They weighed them down with their burdensome, man-made laws. So it was out of envy that they sought to do away with Jesus, wanting his fame. Life lesson: If you want to be great, be the servant of all (Mt.20:26). 
Sure hope your boss has better people skills than Caiaphas- see John 11:49.
Caiaphas spoke far more than he knew- see 11:50.
John gives us added theological insight- see 11:52. We are included.
If you can escape persecution, do so- see 11:54. If you can't, you are blessed, Mt.5:10-12.

1.- Share some of your thoughts on a verse or phrase that grabs your attention. 

The turning point of John's gospel hinges on the united plot to put an end to Jesus. But John tells us that such would only bring God's children (Jews and Gentiles) together and make them one- 11:52. When John Wilkes Booth killed Lincoln, he thought he would further divide the nation. He was shocked how the death of Lincoln actually unified the nation for a season. 

2.- When people are unified, powerful things can happen. And when we are unified by being devoted to one another in brotherly love, powerful things can occur. But we live in such a me centered world, not a team oriented kingdom. We must fight against this isolationism. It's not easy. So to give you a nudge, I asked you yesterday to contact your wingmen and find out how they're doing and what GREAT areas they want to work on improving. I promised that I would ask you today about such. So who did you talk with? :)

Louie recently reached out even to his lawn care guy. Here's what he wrote- "The last person I gave a mini-movie card, M3 card, and an invitation to church was Dave, the lawn care guy. We've talked very few times. Our only communication is when he texts me to let me know he's stopping by to cut the lawn and pick up the month's payment. This time I left him an additional envelope with cards. Later that night I called to see if he got them. He did and said he would review them later. He thanked me for the cards and the invitation to church." Way to sow something far better than grass seed Louie!

Do you like to hike? Tim Dearborn and I are organizing an outing over to Indiana Dunes on Saturday, Oct.3rd. We will rendezvous at mi casa (9541 S. Oakley) at 8:00 AM and be back by 1:PM. Just bring some fast food lunch money. Be adventurous. Build great memories and brotherhood. Live life outside of the rut :)

Who needs a reminder to put your points on the board as soon as you finish blogging? You just got one:)

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