1.- What do you think is the difference between a pleasure seeking life apart from God, which so many pursue today, and what Solomon is commending in his three rephrased choruses of 2:24-26; 3:12-13 and 3:22?
In yesterday's reading Solomon twice mentioned what he did "for myself." The self-focused life is not a fulfilling life. "The person wrapped up in himself makes a pretty small package." But today, Solomon declares "I know that there is nothing better for men than to be happy and do good while they live" 3:12. Research has only confirmed that happiness is a byproduct of being thankful and helpful- doing good. The NT is full of exhortations for us to do good. Even your going off to work is a good deed, especially when others won't. Solomon encourages us to enjoy our work, and to find satisfaction in our work. We can do that better when we remember that being employed is a gift from God. It's also a way of bringing honor to God and even to yourself as others see the quality and faithfulness you autograph your work with.
Some of the most enjoyable good deeds are ones that are a bit out of the ordinary. Jesus himself went out of his way at times to help people. Here's a short video in tribute to police officers who went out of their way to do acts of kindness.
I also want to honor you for those "out of the ordinary" good deeds you do, and I want to stimulate you toward even more. How so? Please feel free to give yourself a point in the A column (which we also use for Attacking in Prayer) for an any out of the ordinary Acts Of Kindness that you do for others. Here's how it can help. Imagine you are asked to do something above and beyond the call of duty. Sometimes it can frustrate you because you had other things you wanted to do with your time. That happened to me recently. My daughter was sick and needed to be picked up an hour away. I gladly picked her up, but that was two hours of may day to the highway. Then she got a call from her director, saying that she had an item that they needed back that day. So I spent four more hours driving in rainy, Friday rush hour traffic to return it and return home- a total of 6 hours of my day spent, not the way I wished. Ugh! What could help us when we face such frustrating times? Let's seek to make a game of such. When you are asked to do something that you would rather not, give yourself a point, if you do it with a good attitude. You did an Act of kindness. (Fortunately, by the time I got home that evening of driving I had a good attitude:) And if you go out of your routine to voluntarily help someone else, also give yourself a point. Thanks for doing that Act of kindness. No, we're not bragging about what we did. It's only a point on the board. But may this help us to all the more abound in good deeds and enjoy the good feelings as well. "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven" Mt.5:16.
When someone goes out of their way to help, sometimes it's unforgettable. I remember getting a flat on the expressway in the winter of 1981 when I was sick and discouraged with a youth retreat I had just run. The theme of the retreat for those teens was "Growing in Love" but they were growing in hate! Ugh! Anyway, this guy stopped by in his pickup truck, saw he needed a special wrench (my lug wrench was cracked, that's why I couldn't change it), so he then drove off to get it, came back and happily changed my tire, without taking any money. Wow! He was the closest thing to meeting an angel I've ever experienced. What an unforgettable Act of kindness!
2.- Share a time when you recall someone went out of their way to help you.
It's Friday! Please make sure to get all your points on the board. I do the tallying for Monday over the weekend. Thanks!
Today is also Pastor Mike Berry's birthday. Please wish him well- 773-701-9789. He came to visit New Life right out of college when I first started leading the young adult's ministry in the summer of 1988. He's been a good friend ever since and very excited about how God is using M3. (Can you keep a secret? He's planning on joining M3 in August! Don't you mention this to him :)
I want to commend James as he was on mission even when he was on vacation. He wrote, "I was able to pass out 2 mini movie cards when I was out in Florida. I gave one to my sister and told her to share with her boyfriend. I also gave one to this guy who was walking in the middle of the street. Not sure if he was homeless but he seemed like he needed good news." Very good James!
Anybody up for a walk this Saturday from 8:00 to 9:00 AM? We'll meet at my house and walk over to a near by forested area. I'm at 9541 S. Oakley Ave. in Chicago. Text or call me if you plan on coming- c.708-543-6544. I know it's last minute, but I will seek to do this each Saturday morning that my schedule and the weather permit.
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