Monday, April 27, 2015

Mon.4.27.15...Life Changing Advice!

Life Changing Advice!
A new series through the book of Proverbs.

Many of us did not grow up with a dad who wisely mentored us. We can't change the past, but we can change the future for many. That's what we're all about in Multiplying MANLY Men. The book of Proverbs is an outstanding" father to son" mentoring manual. "My son(s)" is used 17 times in the first 9 chapters of the book. The ultimate Father of this father is urging young men to pursue a life of wisdom. I'm excited to have you help me create a mentoring manual of sorts especially for the many young men whom you will impact over the rest of your years as you multiply manly men. I'll reveal more about that soon. For now, I want to take you on a fly-over of the book of Proverbs, piloted by Dr. John Stevenson. (Coaches, he's the one who gave us an overview of the book of Titus). Because I respect your time, I only ask you to watch the first 8 minutes of his video. As you do, copy down insights you glean. I'll ask you to share one with the team in just a bit. If you don't learn something from him, you get a full refund. But you are wise and wise men are always gathering knowledge (Prov.10:14). 

1.-Let's now read the introduction to this great book of wisdom- Proverbs 1:1-7. Share one insight from it and or from what you gleaned from Dr. Stevenson's video?

2.-Write on your MP3 card the theme verse of this book of wisdom- "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding." Prov.9:10 

We have a war to win, but sad to say, there are some believers who seem like they would rather fight each other over even what Bible to read from. Some argue saying, "The King James Version is the only right Bible!" Sunday's blog has a very good video refuting that. And what about the Catholic Bible with it's extra books? The video touches on that as well. So watch it this week and put your comments there on Sunday's blog.

Speaking of Sunday, this coming Sunday marks the beginning of the softball season. Several of you are involved in such, so you wouldn't be able to meet at Jack's at 3:00. Eddie wisely suggested that we meet after first service in the break room at church, so that's what we will do. (It's the room in the Northeast corner of the building just past the men's restroom.) I know that this may mean some changes in driving to church, but if you need a ride home after church so your family can leave after first service, we will make sure you get a ride home. The meeting will start at 11:30 and be done by 1:00. A free will offering will be taken to help cover our costs. (Jack has all our receipts for those who want to see our open books:) And special honors will be bestowed. Thanks for the small sacrifice to be there. Udabest! Feel free to invite men you are seeking to enlist.

Speaking of honors to bestow, I would like to honor the following men who were unstoppable last week. Despite all kinds of challenges you were unstoppable- Alex, Andre, Antonio, Armando, Daniel, Dave, Eddie (he blogged when he wasn't in Cuba, where there wasn't any internet service), George D, George R, Ismael, Jack, James, Mike, Phil, Ricardo, Robert, Roger, Sam and Vince.  

Also a few of you scored 25 points or more last week- Dave H-27; George R-28; Eddie-31; Sam-36; Phil-46!
And those scoring 50 or more- Ismael-54; Jack-69 and Robert-72!

Some of you are short-changing yourself and your fire team by not daily going to the scoreboard. Please do that. It's also a great way to motivate yourself to improve. Self-motivation is often the best. Aim to be in the +25 group this week. Set an example that you would want others to follow. And if you need any help, just reach out to me or other team members who are pace setters. We are here to help each other grow.

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