What do you say to Jehovah's Witnesses who come knocking on your door?
Many years ago, I taught a seminar at New Life on "Witnessing to the Witnesses." Though the JWs give out all kinds of literature, I learned they are forbidden to take "apostate literature" from Christians. So I actually made photo-copies of their own material that exposed their errant beliefs.
And there are many. Just make sure you don't spend your time on secondary issues such as why they don't vote, celebrate birthdays or accept blood transfusions. Focus on Jesus. The following short video does that.
So what happened when I sought to share photocopies of their own material? They still wouldn't accept them! Ugh! Those who come to your door are hard core members. They are not at all doubting what they believe. They are also taught in their Watchtower publications to "avoid independent thinking." This brings us to a very important point. JWs claim their only authority source is the Bible. (Mormons claim three other additional books divinely guide them.) But truth be told, their real authority as to what to believe is their Watchtower organization, with its magazines, tracts and books. It tells them how to interpret the Bible. Remember they are told to "avoid independent thinking." For example, once when a JW conceded a point I made refuting a belief they held, that person was not allowed back with their leader to our follow up discussion.
To make matters worse, the Watchtower organization created their own version or perversion of the Bible, called the- New World Translation, which actually changes God's holy word to support their errant beliefs. That is a damnable sin! (Rev.22:18-20) One example of their outright distortion of God's word in their Bible is in John 1:1. In the original Greek language that it was written in, and in over 20 different Bible versions, it declares of Jesus that "the word was God." But in their perversion they changed it to read- "the word was a god." As you saw in the video, they view Jesus as less than God. By the way, this is one of two distinguishing marks of a cult. First, all cults have a lesser view of Jesus- less than God. Second, they have another authority source other than the Bible.
So what do I say now when Jehovah's Witnesses come to my door? Not much. I don't spend a lot of time with these hard core JWs. I will ask them, "Do you believe the Bible is the only inspired book from God?" When they say "Yes," I will then say, "I would like to invite you back one month from now, if you will do me just one favor. Set aside all your Watchtower literature for the next month and just read from any Bible other than the Watchtower Bible, asking God to reveal to you the truth about Jesus." This is the Bible challenge I give them. None of them has ever come back. I don't feel guilty for not spending a lot of time with them when they knock on my door. I have exposed their reliance on their Watchtower publications and pointed them to the truth. When I see JWs on the sidewalk, and I'm heading out, I often simply say in passing, "Jesus is Jehovah!" :)
If you're interested, here's a Christian site that has loads of info on JWs- http://ift.tt/1cYLNyc
1.-Read the great introduction John pens to his gospel-John 1:1-18 and share one thing that strikes you from this passage and/or something that was covered today.
2.-Pick any verse or part of a verse that you really like from John 1:1-18 and write on your MP3 card. Then look for opportunities to share that gold with others.
Here's a simple way to look at all the "religions" of the world. First, view all the Christian denominations as living in one high rise. Imagine there's a different floor for each, such as the Baptists, Methodists, Pentecostals, Presbyterians, Lutherans, and even those who call themselves non-denominational, such as New Life. Historically, these all have agreed that the Bible is God's inspired word and that Jesus is God come in the flesh to save all those who repent and receive him by faith alone.
Now picture another apartment building. It's not nearly as big. It holds all those we would call cults. They talk about Jesus and the Bible, but they don't believe that Jesus is God or that the Bible is the one and only authoritative book from God. On one floor live the JW's. On other floors you'd find the Mormon's, Christian Science, and small wacko cults that have surfaced like David Koresh's group or Jim Jones' group. These wacko cults have a wacko leader who is very controlling- "God's voice" to the gullible people who may follow such leaders even to death.
The third and final apartment building houses the many non-Christ centered religions of the world. One floor is for the Hindus, other floors are home to the Buddhists and the Muslims, for example. Since the Muslim religion of Islam is so controversial these days, we will look at it tomorrow.
Hey Dave, which building do the Catholics live in?
That's a good question. Unlike cults, they do believe that Jesus is God. But like cults, they do have a another authority other than the Bible, the declarations of the popes. They believe that these are also inspired of God. So you get to decide what building to put them in. Or maybe we should have a fourth building just for them. That's probably the best answer.
I'm looking forward to this Friday to read how you've enriched others with what you've been learning. This could be sharing words or videos with believers or unbelievers. Our mission is to multiply manly men. (So enrich, enlist, exemplify and encourage.)
What advice do you wish you were given when you turned 16? Today is my son David's 16th birthday. If you care to give him any wise advice, I will be sure to pass it on to him. Thanks much! He hears me talk about you guys in M3 everyday. (Yes, I'm rather fond of you all :)